2. By default, BFGMiner will NOT mine on any GPUs unless in scrypt mode. If you
  3. wish to use your GPU to mine SHA256d (generally not a good idea), you can
  4. explicitly enable it with the -S opencl:auto option.
  5. Single pool, regular desktop:
  6. bfgminer -S opencl:auto -o http://pool:port -u username -p password
  7. If you have configured your system properly, BFGMiner will mine on all GPUs in
  8. "dynamic" mode which is designed to keep your system usable and sacrifice some
  9. mining performance.
  10. Single pool, dedicated miner:
  11. bfgminer -S opencl:auto -o http://pool:port -u username -p password --set-device intensity=9
  12. Single pool, first card regular desktop, 3 other dedicated cards:
  13. bfgminer -S opencl:auto -o http://pool:port -u username -p password --set-device intensity=9 --set-device OCL0:intensity=d
  14. Multiple pool, dedicated miner:
  15. bfgminer -S opencl:auto -o http://pool1:port -u pool1username -p pool1password -o http://pool2:port -u pool2usernmae -p pool2password --set-device intensity=9
  16. Add overclocking settings, GPU and fan control for all cards:
  17. bfgminer -S opencl:auto -o http://pool:port -u username -p password --set-device intensity=9 --auto-fan --auto-gpu --set-device OCL:clock=750-950 --set-device OCL:memclock=300
  18. Add overclocking settings, GPU and fan control with different engine settings for 4 cards:
  19. bfgminer -S opencl:auto -o http://pool:port -u username -p password --set-device intensity=9 --auto-fan --auto-gpu --set-device OCL0:clock=750-950 --set-device OCL1:clock=945 --set-device OCL2:clock=700-930 --set-device OCL3:clock=960 --set-device OCL:memclock=300
  21. To configure multiple displays on linux you need to configure your Xorg cleanly
  22. to use them all:
  23. sudo aticonfig --adapter=all -f --initial
  24. On Linux you virtually always need to export your display settings before
  25. starting to get all the cards recognised and/or temperature+clocking working:
  26. export DISPLAY=:0
  27. ---
  29. To setup GPU mining support:
  30. Install the AMD APP sdk, ideal version (see FAQ!) - put it into a system
  31. location.
  32. Download the correct version for either 32 bit or 64 bit from here:
  34. The best version for Radeon 5xxx and 6xxx is v2.5, while 7xxx cards need v2.6 or
  35. later, 2.7 seems the best.
  36. For versions 2.4 or earlier you will need to manually install them:
  37. This will give you a file with a name like:
  38. AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64.tgz (64-bit)
  39. or
  40. AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx32.tgz (32-bit)
  41. Then:
  42. sudo -i
  43. cd /opt
  44. tar xf /path/to/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx##.tgz
  45. cd /
  46. tar xf /opt/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx##/icd-registration.tgz
  47. ln -s /opt/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx##/include/CL /usr/include
  48. ln -s /opt/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx##/lib/x86_64/* /usr/lib/
  49. ldconfig
  50. Where ## is 32 or 64, depending on the bitness of the SDK you downloaded.
  51. If you are on 32 bit, x86_64 in the 2nd last line should be x86
  52. ---
  54. Intensity correlates with the size of work being submitted at any one time to
  55. a GPU. The higher the number the larger the size of work. Generally speaking
  56. finding an optimal value rather than the highest value is the correct approach
  57. as hash rate rises up to a point with higher intensities but above that, the
  58. device may be very slow to return responses, or produce errors.
  59. NOTE: Running intensities above 9 with current hardware is likely to only
  60. diminish return performance even if the hash rate might appear better. A good
  61. starting baseline intensity to try on dedicated miners is 9. 11 is the upper
  62. limit for intensity while Bitcoin mining, if the GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS variable
  63. is set (see FAQ). The upper limit for SHA256d mining is 14 and 20 for scrypt.
  64. ---
  70. The GPU monitoring, clocking and fanspeed control incorporated into BFGMiner
  71. comes through use of the ATI Display Library. As such, it only supports ATI
  72. GPUs. Even if ADL support is successfully built into BFGMiner, unless the card
  73. and driver supports it, no GPU monitoring/settings will be available.
  74. BFGMiner supports initial setting of GPU engine clock speed, memory clock
  75. speed, voltage, fanspeed, and the undocumented powertune feature of 69x0+ GPUs.
  76. The setting passed to BFGMiner is used by all GPUs unless separate values are
  77. specified. All settings can all be changed within the menu on the fly on a
  78. per-GPU basis.
  79. For example:
  80. --set-device OCL:clock=950 --set-device OCL:memclock=825
  81. will try to set all GPU engine clocks to 950 and all memory clocks to 825,
  82. while:
  83. --set-device OCL0:clock=950 --set-device OCL1:clock=945 --set-device OCL2:clock=930 --set-device OCL3:clock=960 --set-device OCL:memclock=300
  84. will try to set the engine clock of card 0 to 950, 1 to 945, 2 to 930, 3 to
  85. 960 and all memory clocks to 300.
  87. There are two "auto" modes in BFGMiner, --auto-fan and --auto-gpu. These can be
  88. used independently of each other and are complementary. Both auto modes are
  89. designed to safely change settings while trying to maintain a target
  90. temperature. By default this is set to 75 degrees C but can be changed with the
  91. --set-device option. For example:
  92. --set-device OCL:temp-target=80
  93. Sets all cards' target temperature to 80 degrees.
  94. --set-device OCL0:temp-target=75 --set-device OCL1:temp-target=85
  95. Sets card 0 target temperature to 75, and card 1 to 85 degrees.
  96. AUTO FAN:
  97. e.g.
  98. --auto-fan (implies 85% upper limit)
  99. --set-device OCL0:fan=25-85 --set-device OCL1:fan=65 --auto-fan
  100. Fan control in auto fan works off the theory that the minimum possible fan
  101. required to maintain an optimal temperature will use less power, make less
  102. noise, and prolong the life of the fan. In auto-fan mode, the fan speed is
  103. limited to 85% if the temperature is below "overheat" intentionally, as higher
  104. fanspeeds on GPUs do not produce signficantly more cooling, yet significantly
  105. shorten the lifespan of the fans. If temperature reaches the overheat value,
  106. fanspeed will still be increased to 100%. The overheat value is set to 85
  107. degrees by default and can be changed with the temp_overheat setting:
  108. e.g.
  109. --set-device OCL0:temp_overheat=75 --set-device OCL1:temp_overheat=85
  110. Sets card 0 overheat threshold to 75 degrees and card 1 to 85.
  111. AUTO GPU:
  112. e.g.
  113. --auto-gpu --set-device OCL:clock=750-950
  114. --auto-gpu --set-device OCL0:clock=750-950 --set-device OCL1:clock=945 --set-device OCL2:clock=700-930 --set-device OCL3:clock=960
  115. GPU control in auto gpu tries to maintain as high a clock speed as possible
  116. while not reaching overheat temperatures. As a lower clock speed limit, the
  117. auto-gpu mode checks the GPU card's "normal" clock speed and will not go below
  118. this unless you have manually set a lower speed in the range. Also, unless a
  119. higher clock speed was specified at startup, it will not raise the clockspeed.
  120. If the temperature climbs, fanspeed is adjusted and optimised before GPU engine
  121. clockspeed is adjusted. If fan speed control is not available or already
  122. optimal, then GPU clock speed is only decreased if it goes over the target
  123. temperature by the hysteresis amount, which is set to 3 by default and can be
  124. changed with:
  125. --temp-hysteresis
  126. If the temperature drops below the target temperature, and engine clock speed
  127. is not at the highest level set at startup, BFGMiner will raise the clock speed.
  128. If at any time you manually set an even higher clock speed successfully in
  129. BFGMiner, it will record this value and use it as its new upper limit (and the
  130. same for low clock speeds and lower limits). If the temperature goes over the
  131. cutoff limit (95 degrees by default), BFGMiner will completely disable the GPU
  132. from mining and it will not be re-enabled unless manually done so. The cutoff
  133. temperature can be changed with:
  134. --set-device OCL0:temp-cutoff=95 --set-device OCL1:temp-cutoff=105
  135. Sets card 0 cutoff temperature to 95 and card 1 to 105.
  136. --set-device OCL:memdiff=-125
  137. This setting will modify the memory speed whenever the GPU clock speed is
  138. modified by --auto-gpu. In this example, it will set the memory speed to be 125
  139. MHz lower than the GPU speed. This is useful for some cards like the 6970 which
  140. normally don't allow a bigger clock speed difference. The 6970 is known to only
  141. allow -125, while the 7970 only allows -150.
  143. When setting values, it is important to realise that even though the driver
  144. may report the value was changed successfully, and the new card power profile
  145. information contains the values you set it to, that the card itself may
  146. refuse to use those settings. As the performance profile changes dynamically,
  147. querying the "current" value on the card can be wrong as well. So when changing
  148. values in BFGMiner, after a pause of 1 second, it will report to you the current
  149. values where you should check that your change has taken. An example is that
  150. 6970 reference cards will accept low memory values but refuse to actually run
  151. those lower memory values unless they're within 125 of the engine clock speed.
  152. In that scenario, they usually set their real speed back to their default.
  153. BFGMiner reports the so-called "safe" range of whatever it is you are modifying
  154. when you ask to modify it on the fly. However, you can change settings to values
  155. outside this range. Despite this, the card can easily refuse to accept your
  156. changes, or worse, to accept your changes and then silently ignore them. So
  157. there is absolutely to know how far to/from where/to it can set things safely or
  158. otherwise, and there is nothing stopping you from at least trying to set them
  159. outside this range. Being very conscious of these possible failures is why
  160. BFGMiner will report back the current values for you to examine how exactly the
  161. card has responded. Even within the reported range of accepted values by the
  162. card, it is very easy to crash just about any card, so it cannot use those
  163. values to determine what range to set. You have to provide something meaningful
  164. manually for BFGMiner to work with through experimentation.
  166. When BFGMiner starts up, it tries to read off the current profile information
  167. for clock and fan speeds and stores these values. When quitting BFGMiner, it
  168. will then try to restore the original values. Changing settings outside of
  169. BFGMiner while it's running may be reset to the startup BFGMiner values when
  170. BFGMiner shuts down because of this.
  171. ---
  172. GPU DEVICE ISSUES and use of --gpu-map
  173. GPUs mine with OpenCL software via the GPU device driver. This means you need
  174. to have both an OpenCL SDK installed, and the GPU device driver RUNNING (i.e.
  175. Xorg up and running configured for all devices that will mine on linux etc.)
  176. Meanwhile, the hardware monitoring that BFGMiner offers for AMD devices relies
  177. on the ATI Display Library (ADL) software to work. OpenCL DOES NOT TALK TO THE
  178. ADL. There is no 100% reliable way to know that OpenCL devices are identical
  179. to the ADL devices, as neither give off the same information. BFGMiner does its
  180. best to correlate these devices based on the order that OpenCL and ADL numbers
  181. them. It is possible that this will fail for the following reasons:
  182. 1. The device order is listed differently by OpenCL and ADL (rare), even if the
  183. number of devices is the same.
  184. 2. There are more OpenCL devices than ADL. OpenCL stupidly sees one GPU as two
  185. devices if you have two monitors connected to the one GPU.
  186. 3. There are more ADL devices than OpenCL. ADL devices include any ATI GPUs,
  187. including ones that can't mine, like some older R4xxx cards.
  188. To cope with this, the ADVANCED option for --gpu-map is provided with BFGMiner.
  189. DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. The default will work the
  190. vast majority of the time unless you know you have a problem already.
  191. To get useful information, start BFGMiner with just the -n option. You will get
  192. output that looks like this:
  193. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] CL Platform 0 vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  194. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] CL Platform 0 name: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  195. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.1 AMD-APP (844.4)
  196. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] Platform 0 devices: 3
  197. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 0 Tahiti
  198. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 1 Tahiti
  199. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 2 Cayman
  200. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 0 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  201. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 1 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  202. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 2 AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  203. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 3 GPU devices max detected
  204. Note the number of devices here match, and the order is the same. If devices 1
  205. and 2 were different between Tahiti and Cayman, you could run BFGMiner with:
  206. --gpu-map 2:1,1:2
  207. And it would swap the monitoring it received from ADL device 1 and put it to
  208. OpenCL device 2 and vice versa.
  209. If you have 2 monitors connected to the first device it would look like this:
  210. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] Platform 0 devices: 4
  211. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 0 Tahiti
  212. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 1 Tahiti
  213. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 2 Tahiti
  214. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 3 Cayman
  215. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 0 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  216. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 1 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  217. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 2 AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  218. To work around this, you would use:
  219. -d 0 -d 2 -d 3 --gpu-map 2:1,3:2
  220. If you have an older card as well as the rest it would look like this:
  221. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] Platform 0 devices: 3
  222. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 0 Tahiti
  223. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 1 Tahiti
  224. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] 2 Cayman
  225. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 0 AMD Radeon HD 4500 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  226. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 1 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  227. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 2 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  228. [2012-04-25 13:17:34] GPU 3 AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series hardware monitoring enabled
  229. To work around this you would use:
  230. --gpu-map 0:1,1:2,2:3
  231. ---
  232. GPU FAQ:
  233. Q: Can I change the intensity settings individually for each GPU?
  234. A: Yes, specify the devices by identifier: --set-device intensity=9 --set-device
  235. OCL0:intensity=d --set-device OCL1:intensity=4 (be sure you set the catch-all
  236. first!)
  237. Q: The CPU usage is high.
  238. A: The ATI drivers after 11.6 have a bug that makes them consume 100% of one
  239. CPU core unnecessarily, so downgrade to 11.6. Binding BFGMiner to one CPU core
  240. on windows can minimise it to 100% (instead of more than one core). Driver
  241. version 11.11 on linux and 11.12 on windows appear to have fixed this issue.
  242. Note that later drivers may have an apparent return of high CPU usage. Try
  243. 'export GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS=1' on Linux before starting BFGMiner. You can also
  244. set this variable in windows via a batch file or on the command line before
  245. starting BFGMiner with 'setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1'
  246. Q: My GPU hangs and I have to reboot it to get it going again?
  247. A: The more aggressively the mining software uses your GPU, the less overclock
  248. you will be able to run. You are more likely to hit your limits with BFGMiner
  249. and you will find you may need to overclock your GPU less aggressively. The
  250. software cannot be responsible and make your GPU hang directly. If you simply
  251. cannot get it to ever stop hanging, try decreasing the intensity, and if even
  252. that fails, try changing to the poclbm kernel with --set-device
  253. OCL:kernel=poclbm, though you will sacrifice performance. BFGMiner is designed
  254. to try and safely restart GPUs as much as possible, but NOT if that restart
  255. might actually crash the rest of the GPUs mining, or even the machine. It tries
  256. to restart them with a separate thread and if that separate thread dies, it
  257. gives up trying to restart any more GPUs.
  258. Q: Can you change the autofan/autogpu to change speeds in a different manner?
  259. A: The defaults are sane and safe. I'm not interested in changing them further.
  260. The starting fan speed is set to 50% in auto-fan mode as a safety precaution.
  261. Q: I upgraded BFGMiner version and my hashrate suddenly dropped!
  262. A: No, you upgraded your SDK version unwittingly between upgrades of BFGMiner
  263. and that caused your hashrate to drop. Please see the next question.
  264. Q: I upgraded my ATI driver/SDK/BFGMiner and my hashrate suddenly dropped!
  265. A: The hashrate performance in BFGMiner is tied to the version of the ATI SDK
  266. that is installed only for the very first time BFGMiner is run. This generates
  267. binaries that are used by the GPU every time after that. Any upgrades to the
  268. SDK after that time will have no effect on the binaries. However, if you
  269. install a fresh version of BFGMiner, and have since upgraded your SDK, new
  270. binaries will be built. It is known that the 2.6 ATI SDK has a huge hashrate
  271. penalty on generating new binaries. It is recommended to not use this SDK at
  272. this time unless you are using an ATI 7xxx card that needs it.
  273. Q: Which AMD SDK is the best for BFGMiner?
  274. A: At the moment, versions 2.4 and 2.5 work the best for 5xxx and 6xxx GPUs. SDK
  275. 2.6 or 2.7 works best for 7xxx. SDK 2.8 is known to have many problems. If you
  276. need to use the 2.6+ SDK (7xxx and later), the phatk kernel will perform poorly,
  277. while the diablo or (modified) poclbm kernel are optimised for it.
  278. Q: Which AMD driver is the best?
  279. A: Unfortunately AMD has a history of having quite a few releases with issues
  280. when it comes to mining, either in terms of breaking mining, increasing CPU
  281. usage or very low hashrates. Only experimentation can tell you for sure, but
  282. some good releases were 11.6, 11.12, 12.4 and 12.8. Note that older cards may
  283. not work with the newer drivers.
  284. Q: I have multiple SDKs installed, can I choose which one it uses?
  285. A: Run bfgminer with the -n option and it will list all the platforms currently
  286. installed. Then you can tell BFGMiner which platform to use with --gpu-platform.
  287. Q: BFGMiner reports no devices or only one device on startup on Linux although
  288. I have multiple devices and drivers+SDK installed properly?
  289. A: Try "export DISPLAY=:0" before running BFGMiner.
  290. Q: BFGMiner crashes immediately on startup.
  291. A: One of the common reasons for this is that you have mixed files on your
  292. machine for the driver or SDK. Windows has a nasty history of not cleanly
  293. uninstalling files so you may have to use third party tools like driversweeper
  294. to remove old versions. The other common reason for this is windows antivirus
  295. software is disabling one of the DLLs from working. If BFGMiner starts with the
  296. -T option but never starts without it, this is a sure fire sign you have this
  297. problem and will have to disable your antivirus or set up some exceptions in it
  298. if possible.
  299. Q: Is it faster to mine on Windows or Linux?
  300. A: It makes no difference. It comes down to choice of operating system for their
  301. various features. Linux offers much better long term stability and remote
  302. monitoring and security, while Windows offers you overclocking tools that can
  303. achieve much more than BFGMiner can do on Linux.
  304. Q: BFGMiner cannot see any of my GPUs even though I have configured them all to
  305. be enabled and installed OpenCL (+/- Xorg is running and the DISPLAY variable is
  306. exported on Linux)?
  307. A: Check the output of 'bfgminer -S opencl:auto -d?', it will list what OpenCL
  308. devices your installed SDK recognises. If it lists none, you have a problem with
  309. your version or installation of the SDK.
  310. Q: BFGMiner is mining on the wrong GPU, I want it on the AMD but it's mining on
  311. my on board GPU?
  312. A: Make sure the AMD OpenCL SDK is installed, check the output of 'bfgminer -S
  313. opencl:auto -d?' and use the appropriate parameter with --gpu-platform.
  314. Q: I'm getting much lower hashrates than I should be for my GPU?
  315. A: Look at your driver/SDK combination and disable power saving options for your
  316. GPU. Specifically look to disable ULPS. Make sure not to set intensity above 11
  317. for Bitcoin mining.
  318. Q: Can I mine with AMD while running Nvidia or Intel GPUs at the same time?
  319. A: If you can install both drivers successfully (easier on windows) then yes,
  320. using the --gpu-platform option.
  321. Q: Can I mine with Nvidia or Intel GPUs?
  322. A: Yes, but the hashrate on these is very poor and it is likely you'll be using
  323. much more energy than you'll be earning in coins.
  324. Q: Can I mine on both Nvidia and AMD GPUs at the same time?
  325. A: No, you must run one instance of BFGMiner with the --gpu-platform option for
  326. each.
  327. Q: Can I mine on Linux without running Xorg?
  328. A: With Nvidia you can, but with AMD you cannot.
  329. Q: I'm trying to mine a scrypt cryptocurrency but BFGMiner shows MH values
  330. instead of kH and submits no shares?
  331. A: Add the --scrypt parameter to your BFGMiner startup command.
  332. Q: I can't get anywhere near enough hashrate for scrypt compared to other
  333. people?
  334. A: You may not have enough system RAM, as this is also required.
  335. Q: My scrypt hashrate is high but the pool reports only a tiny proportion of my
  336. hashrate?
  337. A: You are generating garbage hashes due to your choice of settings. Try
  338. decreasing your intensity, do not increase the number of gpu-threads, and
  339. consider adding system RAM to match your GPU ram. You may also be using a bad
  340. combination of driver and/or SDK.
  341. Q: Scrypt fails to initialise the kernel every time?
  342. A: Your parameters are too high. Don't add GPU threads, don't set intensity too
  343. high, decrease thread concurrency. See the README.scrypt for a lot more help.
  344. Q: Are OpenCL kernels from other mining software useable in BFGMiner?
  345. A: The interfaces are often slightly different between the different software,
  346. so in most cases they will not work without modifying BFGMiner itself. However,
  347. if the kernel is compatible with one BFGMiner supports, you can edit it in a
  348. text editor and add a line that looks like this to the top:
  349. // kernel-interface: poclbm
  350. This will instruct BFGMiner to use the poclbm kernel interface. Then to use the
  351. kernel, just use --set OCL:kernel=mykernel where the filename is
  352. Q: BFGMiner stops mining (or my GPUs go DEAD) and I can't close it?
  353. A: Once the driver has crashed, there is no way for BFGMiner to close cleanly.
  354. You will have to kill it, and depending on how corrupted your driver state has
  355. gotten, you may even need to reboot. Windows is known to reset drivers when they
  356. fail and BFGMiner will be stuck trying to use the old driver instance.
  357. Q: I can't get any monitoring of temperatures or fanspeed with BFGMiner when I
  358. start it remotely?
  359. A: With Linux, make sure to export the DISPLAY variable. On Windows, you cannot
  360. access these monitoring values via RDP. This should work with TightVNC or
  361. TeamViewer, though.
  362. Q: I change my GPU engine/memory/voltage and BFGMiner reports back no change?
  363. A: BFGMiner asks the GPU using the ATI Display Library to change settings, but
  364. the driver and hardware are free to do what it wants with that query, including
  365. ignoring it. Some GPUs are locked with one or more of those properties as well.
  366. The most common of these is that many GPUs only allow a fixed difference
  367. between the engine clock speed and the memory clock speed (such as the memory
  368. being no lower than the engine - 150). Other 3rd party tools have unofficial
  369. data on these devices on windows and can get the memory clock speed down
  370. further but BFGMiner does not have access to these means.
  371. Q: I have multiple GPUs and although many devices show up, it appears to be
  372. working only on one GPU splitting it up.
  373. A: Your driver setup is failing to properly use the accessory GPUs. Your driver
  374. may be misconfigured or you have a driver version that needs a dummy plug on all
  375. the GPUs that aren't connected to a monitor.
  376. Q: I have some random GPU performance related problem not addressed above.
  377. A: Seriously, it's the driver and/or SDK. Uninstall them and start again,
  378. also noting there is no clean way to uninstall them so you will likely have to
  379. use extra tools or do it manually.
  380. Q: Do I need to recompile after updating my driver/SDK?
  381. A: No. The software is unchanged regardless of which driver/SDK/ADL version you
  382. are running.
  383. Q: I do not want BFGMiner to modify my engine/clock/fanspeed?
  384. A: BFGMiner only modifies values if you tell it to via the parameters.
  385. Otherwise it will just monitor the values.
  386. Q: Should I use crossfire/SLI?
  387. A: It does not benefit mining at all and depending on the GPU may actually
  388. worsen performance.