Makefile 2.6 KB

  1. #
  2. # Copyright (C) 2010
  3. #
  4. # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
  5. # See /LICENSE for more information.
  6. #
  7. include $(TOPDIR)/
  8. PKG_NAME:=vsc73x5-ucode
  11. PKG_SOURCE:=vsc73x5-ucode.tar.bz2
  12. PKG_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/vsc73x5-ucode
  13. PKG_MD5SUM:=b32e3debcd118f263c79199a7b5afa68
  14. PKG_FLAGS:=nonshared
  15. include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
  16. define Package/vsc73x5-defaults
  17. SECTION:=net
  18. CATEGORY:=Network
  19. DEPENDS:=@TARGET_ar71xx
  20. DEFAULT:=n
  21. TITLE:=$(1)
  22. endef
  23. define Package/vsc73x5/install
  24. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware
  25. $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(2) $(1)/lib/firmware/$(3)
  26. endef
  27. define Package/vsc7385-ucode-ap83
  28. $(call Package/vsc73x5-defaults,Vitesse VSC7385 microcode for the Atheros AP83 boards)
  29. endef
  30. define Package/vsc7385-ucode-ap83/description
  31. This package contains the Atheros AP83 board specific microcode for
  32. the Vitesse VSC7385 ethernet switch.
  33. endef
  34. define Package/vsc7385-ucode-ap83/install
  35. $(call Package/vsc73x5/install,$(1),g5_Plus1_2_31_unmanaged_Atheros_v3.bin,vsc7385_ucode_ap83.bin)
  36. endef
  37. define Package/vsc7395-ucode-ap83
  38. $(call Package/vsc73x5-defaults, Vitesse VSC7395 microcode for the Atheros AP83 boards)
  39. endef
  40. define Package/vsc7395-ucode-ap83/description
  41. This package contains the Atheros AP83 board specific microcode for
  42. the Vitesse VSC7395 ethernet switch.
  43. endef
  44. define Package/vsc7395-ucode-ap83/install
  45. $(call Package/vsc73x5/install,$(1),g5_Plus1_2_31_unmanaged_Atheros_v4.bin,vsc7395_ucode_ap83.bin)
  46. endef
  47. define Package/vsc7385-ucode-pb44
  48. $(call Package/vsc73x5-defaults, Vitesse VSC7395 microcode for the Atheros PB44 boards)
  49. endef
  50. define Package/vsc7385-ucode-pb44/description
  51. This package contains the Atheros PB44 board specific microcode for
  52. the Vitesse VSC7385 ethernet switch.
  53. endef
  54. define Package/vsc7385-ucode-pb44/install
  55. $(call Package/vsc73x5/install,$(1),g5_Plus1_2_29b_unmanaged_Atheros_v5.bin,vsc7385_ucode_pb44.bin)
  56. endef
  57. define Package/vsc7395-ucode-pb44
  58. $(call Package/vsc73x5-defaults, Vitesse VSC7395 microcode for the Atheros PB44 boards)
  59. endef
  60. define Package/vsc7395-ucode-pb44/description
  61. This package contains the Atheros AP83 board specific microcode for
  62. the Vitesse VSC7395 ethernet switch.
  63. endef
  64. define Package/vsc7395-ucode-pb44/install
  65. $(call Package/vsc73x5/install,$(1),g5e_Plus1_2_29a_unmanaged_Atheros_v3.bin,vsc7395_ucode_pb44.bin)
  66. endef
  67. define Build/Compile
  68. endef
  69. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,vsc7385-ucode-ap83))
  70. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,vsc7395-ucode-ap83))
  71. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,vsc7385-ucode-pb44))
  72. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,vsc7395-ucode-pb44))