1. This README contains details about the cgminer RPC API
  2. It also includes some detailed information at the end,
  3. about using miner.php
  4. If you start cgminer with the "--api-listen" option, it will listen on a
  5. simple TCP/IP socket for single string API requests from the same machine
  6. running cgminer and reply with a string and then close the socket each time
  7. If you add the "--api-network" option, it will accept API requests from any
  8. network attached computer.
  9. You can only access the comands that reply with data in this mode.
  10. By default, you cannot access any privileged command that affects the miner -
  11. you will receive an access denied status message see --api-allow below.
  12. You can specify IP addresses/prefixes that are only allowed to access the API
  13. with the "--api-allow" option e.g. --api-allow W:,10.0.0/24
  14. will allow or any address matching 10.0.0.*, but nothing else
  15. IP addresses are automatically padded with extra '.0's as needed
  16. Without a /prefix is the same as specifying /32
  17. 0/0 means all IP addresses.
  18. The 'W:' on the front gives that address/subnet privileged access to commands
  19. that modify cgminer (thus all API commands)
  20. Without it those commands return an access denied status.
  21. See --api-groups below to define other groups like W:
  22. Privileged access is checked in the order the IP addresses were supplied to
  23. "--api-allow"
  24. The first match determines the privilege level.
  25. Using the "--api-allow" option overides the "--api-network" option if they
  26. are both specified
  27. With "--api-allow", is not by default given access unless specified
  28. If you start cgminer also with the "--api-mcast" option, it will listen for
  29. a multicast message and reply to it with a message containing it's API port
  30. number, but only if the IP address of the sender is allowed API access
  31. More groups (like the privileged group W:) can be defined using the
  32. --api-groups command
  33. Valid groups are only the letters A-Z (except R & W are predefined) and are
  34. not case sensitive
  35. The R: group is the same as not privileged access
  36. The W: group is (as stated) privileged access (thus all API commands)
  37. To give an IP address/subnet access to a group you use the group letter
  38. in front of the IP address instead of W: e.g. P:192.168.0/32
  39. An IP address/subnet can only be a member of one group
  40. A sample API group would be:
  41. --api-groups
  42. P:switchpool:enablepool:addpool:disablepool:removepool:poolpriority:*
  43. This would create a group 'P' that can do all current pool commands and all
  44. non-priviliged commands - the '*' means all non-priviledged commands
  45. Without the '*' the group would only have access to the pool commands
  46. Defining multiple groups example:
  47. --api-groups Q:quit:restart:*,S:save
  48. This would define 2 groups:
  49. Q: that can 'quit' and 'restart' as well as all non-priviledged commands
  50. S: that can only 'save' and no other commands
  51. The RPC API request can be either simple text or JSON.
  52. If the request is JSON (starts with '{'), it will reply with a JSON formatted
  53. response, otherwise it replies with text formatted as described further below.
  54. The JSON request format required is '{"command":"CMD","parameter":"PARAM"}'
  55. (though of course parameter is not required for all requests)
  56. where "CMD" is from the "Request" column below and "PARAM" would be e.g.
  57. the ASC/PGA number if required.
  58. An example request in both formats to disable Hotplug:
  59. hotplug|0
  60. {"command":"hotplug","parameter":"0"}
  61. The format of each reply (unless stated otherwise) is a STATUS section
  62. followed by an optional detail section
  63. From API version 1.7 onwards, reply strings in JSON and Text have the
  64. necessary escaping as required to avoid ambiguity - they didn't before 1.7
  65. For JSON the 2 characters '"' and '\' are escaped with a '\' before them
  66. For Text the 4 characters '|' ',' '=' and '\' are escaped the same way
  67. Only user entered information will contain characters that require being
  68. escaped, such as Pool URL, User and Password or the Config save filename,
  69. when they are returned in messages or as their values by the API
  70. For API version 1.4 and later:
  71. The STATUS section is:
  72. STATUS=X,When=NNN,Code=N,Msg=string,Description=string|
  73. STATUS=X Where X is one of:
  74. W - Warning
  75. I - Informational
  76. S - Success
  77. E - Error
  78. F - Fatal (code bug)
  79. When=NNN
  80. Standard long time of request in seconds
  81. Code=N
  82. Each unique reply has a unique Code (See api.c - #define MSG_NNNNNN)
  83. Msg=string
  84. Message matching the Code value N
  85. Description=string
  86. This defaults to the cgminer version but is the value of --api-description
  87. if it was specified at runtime.
  88. With API V3.1 you can also request multiple report replies in a single command
  89. request
  90. e.g. to request both summary and devs, the command would be summary+devs
  91. This is only available for report commands that don't need parameters,
  92. and is not available for commands that change anything
  93. Any parameters supplied will be ignored
  94. The extra formatting of the result is to have a section for each command
  95. e.g. CMD=summary|STATUS=....|CMD=devs|STATUS=...
  96. With JSON, each result is within a section of the command name
  97. e.g. {"summary":{"STATUS":[{"STATUS":"S"...}],"SUMMARY":[...],"id":1},
  98. "devs":{"STATUS":[{"STATUS:"S"...}],"DEVS":[...],"id":1},"id":1}
  99. As before, if you supply bad JSON you'll just get a single 'E' STATUS section
  100. in the old format, since it doesn't switch to using the new format until it
  101. correctly processes the JSON and can match a '+' in the command
  102. If you request a command multiple times, e.g. devs+devs
  103. you'll just get it once
  104. If this results in only one command, it will still use the new layout
  105. with just the one command
  106. If you request a command that can't be used due to requiring parameters,
  107. a command that isn't a report, or an invalid command, you'll get an 'E' STATUS
  108. for that one but it will still attempt to process all other commands supplied
  109. Blank/missing commands are ignored e.g. +devs++
  110. will just show 'devs' using the new layout
  111. For API version 1.10 and later:
  112. The list of requests - a (*) means it requires privileged access - and replies:
  113. Request Reply Section Details
  114. ------- ------------- -------
  115. version VERSION CGMiner=cgminer, version
  116. API=API| version
  117. config CONFIG Some miner configuration information:
  118. ASC Count=N, <- the number of ASCs
  119. PGA Count=N, <- the number of PGAs
  120. Pool Count=N, <- the number of Pools
  121. Strategy=Name, <- the current pool strategy
  122. Log Interval=N, <- log interval (--log N)
  123. Device Code=ICA , <- spaced list of compiled
  124. device drivers
  125. OS=Linux/Apple/..., <- operating System
  126. Failover-Only=true/false, <- failover-only setting
  127. ScanTime=N, <- --scan-time setting
  128. Queue=N, <- --queue setting
  129. Expiry=N| <- --expiry setting
  130. summary SUMMARY The status summary of the miner
  131. e.g. Elapsed=NNN,Found Blocks=N,Getworks=N,...|
  132. pools POOLS The status of each pool e.g.
  133. Pool=0,URL=http://pool.com:6311,Status=Alive,...|
  134. devs DEVS Each available PGA and ASC with their details
  135. e.g. ASC=0,Accepted=NN,MHS av=NNN,...,Intensity=D|
  136. Last Share Time=NNN, <- standand long time in sec
  137. (or 0 if none) of last accepted share
  138. Last Share Pool=N, <- pool number (or -1 if none)
  139. Last Valid Work=NNN, <- standand long time in sec
  140. of last work returned that wasn't an HW:
  141. Will not report PGAs if PGA mining is disabled
  142. Will not report ASCs if ASC mining is disabled
  143. edevs[|old] DEVS The same as devs, except it ignores blacklisted
  144. devices and zombie devices
  145. If you specify the optional 'old' parameter, then
  146. the output will include zombie devices that became
  147. zombies less than 'old' seconds ago
  148. A value of zero for 'old', which is the default,
  149. means ignore all zombies
  150. It will return an empty list of devices if all
  151. devices are blacklisted or zombies
  152. pga|N PGA The details of a single PGA number N in the same
  153. format and details as for DEVS
  154. This is only available if PGA mining is enabled
  155. Use 'pgacount' or 'config' first to see if there
  156. are any
  157. pgacount PGAS Count=N| <- the number of PGAs
  158. Always returns 0 if PGA mining is disabled
  159. switchpool|N (*)
  160. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  161. stating the results of switching pool N to the
  162. highest priority (the pool is also enabled)
  163. The Msg includes the pool URL
  164. enablepool|N (*)
  165. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  166. stating the results of enabling pool N
  167. The Msg includes the pool URL
  168. addpool|URL,USR,PASS (*)
  169. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  170. stating the results of attempting to add pool N
  171. The Msg includes the pool number and URL
  172. Use '\\' to get a '\' and '\,' to include a comma
  173. inside URL, USR or PASS
  174. poolpriority|N,... (*)
  175. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  176. stating the results of changing pool priorities
  177. See usage below
  178. poolquota|N,Q (*)
  179. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  180. stating the results of changing pool quota to Q
  181. disablepool|N (*)
  182. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  183. stating the results of disabling pool N
  184. The Msg includes the pool URL
  185. removepool|N (*)
  186. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  187. stating the results of removing pool N
  188. The Msg includes the pool URL
  189. N.B. all details for the pool will be lost
  190. save|filename (*)
  191. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  192. stating success or failure saving the cgminer
  193. config to filename
  194. The filename is optional and will use the cgminer
  195. default if not specified
  196. quit (*) none Status is a single "BYE" reply before cgminer
  197. quits
  198. notify NOTIFY The last status and history count of each devices
  199. problem
  200. This lists all devices including those not
  201. supported by the 'devs' command e.g.
  202. NOTIFY=0,Name=ASC,ID=0,Last Well=1332432290,...|
  203. privileged (*)
  204. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  205. stating an error if you do not have privileged
  206. access to the API and success if you do have
  207. privilege
  208. The command doesn't change anything in cgminer
  209. pgaenable|N (*)
  210. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  211. stating the results of the enable request
  212. You cannot enable a PGA if it's status is not WELL
  213. This is only available if PGA mining is enabled
  214. pgadisable|N (*)
  215. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  216. stating the results of the disable request
  217. This is only available if PGA mining is enabled
  218. pgaidentify|N (*)
  219. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  220. stating the results of the identify request
  221. This is only available if PGA mining is enabled
  222. and currently only BFL singles and Cairnsmore1's
  223. with the appropriate firmware support this command
  224. On a BFL single it will flash the led on the front
  225. of the device for appoximately 4s
  226. All other non BFL,ICA PGA devices will return a
  227. warning status message stating that they dont
  228. support it. Non-CMR ICAs will ignore the command.
  229. This adds a 4s delay to the BFL share being
  230. processed so you may get a message stating that
  231. procssing took longer than 7000ms if the request
  232. was sent towards the end of the timing of any work
  233. being worked on
  234. e.g.: BFL0: took 8438ms - longer than 7000ms
  235. You should ignore this
  236. devdetails DEVDETAILS Each device with a list of their static details
  237. This lists all devices including those not
  238. supported by the 'devs' command
  239. e.g. DEVDETAILS=0,Name=ASC,ID=0,Driver=yuu,...|
  240. restart (*) none Status is a single "RESTART" reply before cgminer
  241. restarts
  242. stats STATS Each device or pool that has 1 or more getworks
  243. with a list of stats regarding getwork times
  244. The values returned by stats may change in future
  245. versions thus would not normally be displayed
  246. Device drivers are also able to add stats to the
  247. end of the details returned
  248. estats[|old] STATS The same as stats, except it ignores blacklisted
  249. devices, zombie devices and pools
  250. If you specify the optional 'old' parameter, then
  251. the output will include zombie devices that became
  252. zombies less than 'old' seconds ago
  253. A value of zero for 'old', which is the default,
  254. means ignore all zombies
  255. It will return an empty list of devices if all
  256. devices are blacklisted or zombies
  257. check|cmd CHECK Exists=Y/N, <- 'cmd' exists in this version
  258. Access=Y/N| <- you have access to use 'cmd'
  259. failover-only|true/false (*)
  260. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  261. stating what failover-only was set to
  262. coin COIN Coin mining information:
  263. Hash Method=sha256/scrypt,
  264. Current Block Time=N.N, <- 0 means none
  265. Current Block Hash=XXXX..., <- blank if none
  266. LP=true/false, <- LP is in use on at least 1 pool
  267. Network Difficulty=NN.NN|
  268. debug|setting (*)
  269. DEBUG Debug settings
  270. The optional commands for 'setting' are the same
  271. as the screen curses debug settings
  272. You can only specify one setting
  273. Only the first character is checked - case
  274. insensitive:
  275. Silent, Quiet, Verbose, Debug, RPCProto,
  276. PerDevice, WorkTime, Normal
  277. The output fields are (as above):
  278. Silent=true/false,
  279. Quiet=true/false,
  280. Verbose=true/false,
  281. Debug=true/false,
  282. RPCProto=true/false,
  283. PerDevice=true/false,
  284. WorkTime=true/false|
  285. setconfig|name,N (*)
  286. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  287. stating the results of setting 'name' to N
  288. The valid values for name are currently:
  289. queue, scantime, expiry
  290. N is an integer in the range 0 to 9999
  291. usbstats USBSTATS Stats of all LIBUSB mining devices except ztex
  292. e.g. Name=MMQ,ID=0,Stat=SendWork,Count=99,...|
  293. pgaset|N,opt[,val] (*)
  294. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  295. stating the results of setting PGA N with
  296. opt[,val]
  297. This is only available if PGA mining is enabled
  298. If the PGA does not support any set options, it
  299. will always return a WARN stating pgaset isn't
  300. supported
  301. If opt=help it will return an INFO status with a
  302. help message about the options available
  303. The current options are:
  304. MMQ opt=clock val=160 to 230 (a multiple of 2)
  305. CMR opt=clock val=100 to 220
  306. zero|Which,true/false (*)
  307. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  308. stating that the zero, and optional summary, was
  309. done
  310. If Which='all', all normal cgminer and API
  311. statistics will be zeroed other than the numbers
  312. displayed by the usbstats and stats commands
  313. If Which='bestshare', only the 'Best Share' values
  314. are zeroed for each pool and the global
  315. 'Best Share'
  316. The true/false option determines if a full summary
  317. is shown on the cgminer display like is normally
  318. displayed on exit.
  319. hotplug|N (*) none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  320. stating that the hotplug setting succeeded
  321. If the code is not compiled with hotplug in it,
  322. the the warning reply will be
  323. 'Hotplug is not available'
  324. If N=0 then hotplug will be disabled
  325. If N>0 && <=9999, then hotplug will check for new
  326. devices every N seconds
  327. asc|N ASC The details of a single ASC number N in the same
  328. format and details as for DEVS
  329. This is only available if ASC mining is enabled
  330. Use 'asccount' or 'config' first to see if there
  331. are any
  332. ascenable|N (*)
  333. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  334. stating the results of the enable request
  335. You cannot enable a ASC if it's status is not WELL
  336. This is only available if ASC mining is enabled
  337. ascdisable|N (*)
  338. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  339. stating the results of the disable request
  340. This is only available if ASC mining is enabled
  341. ascidentify|N (*)
  342. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  343. stating the results of the identify request
  344. This is only available if ASC mining is enabled
  345. and currently only BFL ASICs support this command
  346. On a BFL single it will flash the led on the front
  347. of the device for appoximately 4s
  348. All other non BFL ASIC devices will return a
  349. warning status message stating that they dont
  350. support it
  351. asccount ASCS Count=N| <- the number of ASCs
  352. Always returns 0 if ASC mining is disabled
  353. ascset|N,opt[,val] (*)
  354. none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  355. stating the results of setting ASC N with
  356. opt[,val]
  357. This is only available if ASC mining is enabled
  358. If the ASC does not support any set options, it
  359. will always return a WARN stating ascset isn't
  360. supported
  361. If opt=help it will return an INFO status with a
  362. help message about the options available
  363. The current options are:
  364. AVA+BTB opt=freq val=256 to 1024 - chip frequency
  365. BTB opt=millivolts val=1000 to 1400 - corevoltage
  366. MBA opt=reset val=0 to chipcount - reset a chip
  367. BMA opt=volt val=0-9 opt=clock val=0-15
  368. MBA opt=freq val=0-chip:100-1400 - set chip freq
  369. MBA opt=ledcount val=0-100 - chip count for led
  370. MBA opt=ledlimit val=0-200 - led off below GHs
  371. MBA opt=spidelay val=0-9999 - SPI per I/O delay
  372. MBA opt=spireset i|s0-9999 - SPI regular reset
  373. MBA opt=spisleep val=0-9999 - SPI reset sleep ms
  374. lcd LCD An all-in-one short status summary of the miner
  375. e.g. Elapsed,GHS av,GHS 5m,GHS 5s,Temp,
  376. Last Share Difficulty,Last Share Time,
  377. Best Share,Last Valid Work,Found Blocks,
  378. Pool,User|
  379. lockstats (*) none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
  380. stating the results of the request
  381. A warning reply means lock stats are not compiled
  382. into cgminer
  383. The API writes all the lock stats to stderr
  384. When you enable, disable or restart a PGA or ASC, you will also get
  385. Thread messages in the cgminer status window
  386. The 'poolpriority' command can be used to reset the priority order of multiple
  387. pools with a single command - 'switchpool' only sets a single pool to first
  388. priority
  389. Each pool should be listed by id number in order of preference (first = most
  390. preferred)
  391. Any pools not listed will be prioritised after the ones that are listed, in the
  392. priority order they were originally
  393. If the priority change affects the miner's preference for mining, it may switch
  394. immediately
  395. When you switch to a different pool to the current one (including by priority
  396. change), you will get a 'Switching to URL' message in the cgminer status
  397. windows
  398. Obviously, the JSON format is simply just the names as given before the '='
  399. with the values after the '='
  400. If you enable cgminer debug (-D or --debug) or, when cgminer debug is off,
  401. turn on debug with the API command 'debug|debug' you will also get messages
  402. showing some details of the requests received and the replies
  403. There are included 4 program examples for accessing the API:
  404. api-example.php - a php script to access the API
  405. usAge: php api-example.php command
  406. by default it sends a 'summary' request to the miner at
  407. If you specify a command it will send that request instead
  408. You must modify the line "$socket = getsock('', 4028);" at the
  409. beginning of "function request($cmd)" to change where it looks for cgminer
  410. api-example.rb - a Ruby script to access the API.
  411. usage: ruby api-example.rb command[:parameter] [HOST [PORT]]
  412. This script prints the parsed cgminer API response
  413. API.java/API.class
  414. a java program to access the API (with source code)
  415. usAge is: java API command address port
  416. Any missing or blank parameters are replaced as if you entered:
  417. java API summary 4028
  418. api-example.c - a 'C' program to access the API (with source code)
  419. usAge: api-example [command [ip/host [port]]]
  420. again, as above, missing or blank parameters are replaced as if you entered:
  421. api-example summary 4028
  422. miner.php - an example web page to access the API
  423. This includes buttons and inputs to attempt access to the privileged commands
  424. See the end of this API-README for details of how to tune the display
  425. and also to use the option to display a multi-rig summary
  426. ----------
  427. Feature Changelog for external applications using the API:
  428. ---------
  429. API V3.5 (cgminer v4.7.0)
  430. - Made quit and restart return valid JSON as a STATUS mirroring the reqest.
  431. - Made addpool return what pool number the added pool is.
  432. ---------
  433. API V3.4 (cgminer v4.3.?)
  434. Added API commands:
  435. 'lcd' - An all-in-one short status summary of the miner
  436. ---------
  437. API V3.3 (cgminer v4.2.0)
  438. Added API commands:
  439. 'edevs' - Only enabled devices, for 'devs'
  440. 'estats' - Only enabled devices, for 'stats'
  441. ---------
  442. API V3.2 (cgminer v4.1.0)
  443. Fix for:
  444. HEX32 data type in the API version v3.1 JSON - since cgminer v3.12.1 -
  445. returns an incorrect formatted json data element for the API stats command
  446. for HashFast hardware
  447. ---------
  448. API V3.1 (cgminer v3.12.1)
  449. Multiple report request command with '+' e.g. summary+devs
  450. ---------
  451. API V3.0 (cgminer v3.11.0)
  452. Allow unlimited size replies
  453. ---------
  454. API V2.0 (cgminer v3.8.0)
  455. Removed all GPU related commands and information from the replies
  456. ---------
  457. API V1.32 (cgminer v3.6.5)
  458. Modified API commands:
  459. 'devs' 'gpu' 'pga' and 'asc' - add 'Device Elapsed'
  460. ---------
  461. API V1.31 (cgminer v3.6.3)
  462. Added API command:
  463. 'lockstats' - display cgminer dev lock stats if compiled in
  464. Modified API command:
  465. 'summary' - add 'MHS %ds' (where %d is the log interval)
  466. ---------
  467. API V1.30 (cgminer v3.4.3)
  468. Added API command:
  469. 'poolquota' - Set pool quota for load-balance strategy.
  470. Modified API command:
  471. 'pools' - add 'Quota'
  472. ---------
  473. API V1.29 (cgminer v3.4.1)
  474. Muticast identification added to the API
  475. ----------
  476. API V1.28 (cgminer v3.3.4)
  477. Modified API commands:
  478. 'devs', 'pga', 'asc', 'gpu' - add 'Device Hardware%' and 'Device Rejected%'
  479. 'pools' - add 'Pool Rejected%' and 'Pool Stale%'
  480. 'summary' - add 'Device Hardware%', 'Device Rejected%', 'Pool Rejected%',
  481. 'Pool Stale%'
  482. ----------
  483. API V1.27 (cgminer v3.3.2)
  484. Added API commands:
  485. 'ascset' - with: BTB opt=millivolts val=1000 to 1310 - core voltage
  486. AVA+BTB opt=freq val=256 to 450 - chip frequency
  487. ----------
  488. API V1.26 (cgminer v3.2.3)
  489. Remove all CPU support (cgminer v3.0.0)
  490. Added API commands:
  491. 'asc'
  492. 'ascenable'
  493. 'ascdisable'
  494. 'ascidentify|N' (only works for BFL ASICs so far)
  495. 'asccount'
  496. Various additions to the debug 'stats' command
  497. ----------
  498. API V1.25
  499. Added API commands:
  500. 'hotplug'
  501. Modified API commands:
  502. 'devs' 'gpu' and 'pga' - add 'Last Valid Work'
  503. 'devs' - list ASIC devices
  504. 'config' - add 'Hotplug', 'ASC Count'
  505. 'coin' - add 'Network Difficulty'
  506. ----------
  507. API V1.24 (cgminer v2.11.0)
  508. Added API commands:
  509. 'zero'
  510. Modified API commands:
  511. 'pools' - add 'Best Share'
  512. 'devs' and 'pga' - add 'No Device' for PGAs if MMQ or BFL compiled
  513. 'stats' - add pool: 'Net Bytes Sent', 'Net Bytes Recv'
  514. ----------
  515. API V1.23 (cgminer v2.10.2)
  516. Added API commands:
  517. 'pgaset' - with: MMQ opt=clock val=160 to 230 (and a multiple of 2)
  518. ----------
  519. API V1.22 (cgminer v2.10.1)
  520. Enforced output limitation:
  521. all extra records beyond the output limit of the API (~64k) are ignored
  522. and chopped off at the record boundary before the limit is reached
  523. however, JSON brackets will be correctly closed and the JSON id will be
  524. set to 0 (instead of 1) if any data was truncated
  525. Modified API commands:
  526. 'stats' - add 'Times Sent', 'Bytes Sent', 'Times Recv', 'Bytes Recv'
  527. ----------
  528. API V1.21 (cgminer v2.10.0)
  529. Added API commands:
  530. 'usbstats'
  531. Modified API commands:
  532. 'summary' - add 'Best Share'
  533. Modified output:
  534. each MMQ shows up as 4 devices, each with it's own stats
  535. ----------
  536. API V1.20 (cgminer v2.8.5)
  537. Modified API commands:
  538. 'pools' - add 'Has Stratum', 'Stratum Active', 'Stratum URL'
  539. ----------
  540. API V1.19 (cgminer v2.7.6)
  541. Added API commands:
  542. 'debug'
  543. 'pgaidentify|N' (only works for BFL Singles so far)
  544. 'setconfig|name,N'
  545. Modified API commands:
  546. 'devs' - add 'Diff1 Work', 'Difficulty Accepted', 'Difficulty Rejected',
  547. 'Last Share Difficulty' to all devices
  548. 'gpu|N' - add 'Diff1 Work', 'Difficulty Accepted',
  549. 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Last Share Difficulty'
  550. 'pga|N' - add 'Diff1 Work', 'Difficulty Accepted',
  551. 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Last Share Difficulty'
  552. 'notify' - add '*Dev Throttle' (for BFL Singles)
  553. 'pools' - add 'Proxy Type', 'Proxy', 'Difficulty Accepted',
  554. 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Difficulty Stale',
  555. 'Last Share Difficulty'
  556. 'config' - add 'Queue', 'Expiry'
  557. 'stats' - add 'Work Diff', 'Min Diff', 'Max Diff', 'Min Diff Count',
  558. 'Max Diff Count' to the pool stats
  559. ----------
  560. API V1.18 (cgminer v2.7.4)
  561. Modified API commands:
  562. 'stats' - add 'Work Had Roll Time', 'Work Can Roll', 'Work Had Expire',
  563. 'Work Roll Time' to the pool stats
  564. 'config' - include 'ScanTime'
  565. ----------
  566. API V1.17 (cgminer v2.7.1)
  567. Added API commands:
  568. 'coin'
  569. Modified API commands:
  570. 'summary' - add 'Work Utility'
  571. 'pools' - add 'Diff1 Shares'
  572. ----------
  573. API V1.16 (cgminer v2.6.5)
  574. Added API commands:
  575. 'failover-only'
  576. Modified API commands:
  577. 'config' - include failover-only state
  578. ----------
  579. API V1.15 (cgminer v2.6.1)
  580. Added API commands:
  581. 'poolpriority'
  582. ----------
  583. API V1.14 (cgminer v2.5.0)
  584. Modified API commands:
  585. 'stats' - more icarus timing stats added
  586. 'notify' - include new device comms error counter
  587. The internal code for handling data was rewritten (~25% of the code)
  588. Completely backward compatible
  589. ----------
  590. API V1.13 (cgminer v2.4.4)
  591. Added API commands:
  592. 'check'
  593. Support was added to cgminer for API access groups with the --api-groups option
  594. It's 100% backward compatible with previous --api-access commands
  595. ----------
  596. API V1.12 (cgminer v2.4.3)
  597. Modified API commands:
  598. 'stats' - more pool stats added
  599. Support for the ModMinerQuad FPGA was added
  600. ----------
  601. API V1.11 (cgminer v2.4.2)
  602. Modified API commands:
  603. 'save' no longer requires a filename (use default if not specified)
  604. 'save' incorrectly returned status E (error) on success before.
  605. It now correctly returns S (success)
  606. ----------
  607. API V1.10 (cgminer v2.4.1)
  608. Added API commands:
  609. 'stats'
  610. N.B. the 'stats' command can change at any time so any specific content
  611. present should not be relied upon.
  612. The data content is mainly used for debugging purposes or hidden options
  613. in cgminer and can change as development work requires
  614. Modified API commands:
  615. 'pools' added "Last Share Time"
  616. ----------
  617. API V1.9 (cgminer v2.4.0)
  618. Added API commands:
  619. 'restart'
  620. Modified API commands:
  621. 'notify' corrected invalid JSON
  622. ----------
  623. API V1.8 (cgminer v2.3.5)
  624. Added API commands:
  625. 'devdetails'
  626. Support for the ZTex FPGA was added
  627. ----------
  628. API V1.7 (cgminer v2.3.4)
  629. Added API commands:
  630. 'removepool'
  631. Modified API commands:
  632. 'pools' added "User"
  633. From API version 1.7 onwards, reply strings in JSON and Text have the
  634. necessary escaping as required to avoid ambiguity
  635. For JSON the 2 characters '"' and '\' are escaped with a '\' before them
  636. For Text the 4 characters '|' ',' '=' and '\' are escaped the same way
  637. ----------
  638. API V1.6 (cgminer v2.3.2)
  639. Added API commands:
  640. 'pga'
  641. 'pgaenable'
  642. 'pgadisable'
  643. 'pgacount'
  644. Modified API commands:
  645. 'devs' now includes Icarus and Bitforce FPGA devices
  646. 'notify' added "*" to the front of the name of all numeric error fields
  647. 'config' correct "Log Interval" to use numeric (not text) type for JSON
  648. Support for Icarus and Bitforce FPGAs was added
  649. ----------
  650. API V1.5 was not released
  651. ----------
  652. API V1.4 (Kano's interim release of cgminer v2.3.1)
  653. Added API commands:
  654. 'notify'
  655. Modified API commands:
  656. 'config' added "Device Code" and "OS"
  657. Added "When" to the STATUS reply section of all commands
  658. ----------
  659. API V1.3 (cgminer v2.3.1-2)
  660. Added API commands:
  661. 'addpool'
  662. Modified API commands:
  663. 'devs'/'gpu' added "Total MH" for each device
  664. 'summary' added "Total MH"
  665. ----------
  666. API V1.2 (cgminer v2.3.0)
  667. Added API commands:
  668. 'enablepool'
  669. 'disablepool'
  670. 'privileged'
  671. Modified API commands:
  672. 'config' added "Log Interval"
  673. Starting with API V1.2, any attempt to access a command that requires
  674. privileged security, from an IP address that does not have privileged
  675. security, will return an "Access denied" Error Status
  676. ----------
  677. API V1.1 (cgminer v2.2.4)
  678. There were no changes to the API commands in cgminer v2.2.4,
  679. however support was added to cgminer for IP address restrictions
  680. with the --api-allow option
  681. ----------
  682. API V1.1 (cgminer v2.2.2)
  683. Prior to V1.1, devs/gpu incorrectly reported GPU0 Intensity for all GPUs
  684. Modified API commands:
  685. 'devs'/'gpu' added "Last Share Pool" and "Last Share Time" for each device
  686. ----------
  687. API V1.0 (cgminer v2.2.0)
  688. Remove default CPU support
  689. Added API commands:
  690. 'config'
  691. 'gpucount'
  692. 'cpucount'
  693. 'switchpool'
  694. 'gpuintensity'
  695. 'gpumem'
  696. 'gpuengine'
  697. 'gpufan'
  698. 'gpuvddc'
  699. 'save'
  700. ----------
  701. API V0.7 (cgminer v2.1.0)
  702. Initial release of the API in the main cgminer git
  703. Commands:
  704. 'version'
  705. 'devs'
  706. 'pools'
  707. 'summary'
  708. 'gpuenable'
  709. 'gpudisable'
  710. 'gpurestart'
  711. 'gpu'
  712. 'cpu'
  713. 'gpucount'
  714. 'cpucount'
  715. 'quit'
  716. ----------------------------------------
  717. miner.php
  718. =========
  719. miner.php is a PHP based interface to the cgminer RPC API
  720. (referred to simply as the API below)
  721. It can show rig details, summaries and input fields to allow you to change
  722. cgminer
  723. You can also create custom summary pages with it
  724. It has two levels to the security:
  725. 1) cgminer can be configured to allow or disallow API access and access level
  726. security for miner.php
  727. 2) miner.php can be configured to allow or disallow privileged cgminer
  728. access, if cgminer is configured to allow privileged access for miner.php
  729. ---------
  730. To use miner.php requires a web server with PHP
  731. Basics: On xubuntu 11.04, to install apache2 and php, the commands are:
  732. sudo apt-get install apache2
  733. sudo apt-get install php5
  734. sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
  735. On Fedora 17:
  736. yum install httpd php
  737. systemctl restart httpd.service
  738. systemctl enable httpd.service --system
  739. On windows there are a few options.
  740. Try one of these (apparently the first one is easiest - thanks jborkl)
  741. http://www.easyphp.org/
  742. http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
  743. http://www.wampserver.com/en/
  744. ---------
  745. The basic cgminer option to enable the API is:
  746. --api-listen
  747. or in your cgminer.conf
  748. "api-listen" : true,
  749. (without the ',' on the end if it is the last item)
  750. If the web server is running on the cgminer computer, the above
  751. is the only change required to give miner.php basic access to
  752. the cgminer API
  753. -
  754. If the web server runs on a different computer to cgminer,
  755. you will also need to tell cgminer to allow the web server
  756. to access cgminer's API and tell miner.php where cgminer is
  757. Assuming a.b.c.d is the IP address of the web server, you
  758. would add the following to cgminer:
  759. --api-listen --api-allow a.b.c.d
  760. or in your cgminer.conf
  761. "api-listen" : true,
  762. "api-allow" : "a.b.c.d",
  763. to tell cgminer to give the web server read access to the API
  764. You also need to tell miner.php where cgminer is.
  765. Assuming cgminer is at IP address e.f.g.h, then you would
  766. edit miner.php and change the line
  767. $rigs = array('');
  768. to
  769. $rigs = array('e.f.g.h:4028');
  770. See --api-network or --api-allow for more access details
  771. and how to give write access
  772. You can however, also tell miner.php to find your cgminer rigs automatically
  773. on the local subnet
  774. Add the following to each cgminer:
  775. --api-mcast
  776. or in your cgminer.conf
  777. "api-mcast" : true,
  778. And in miner.php set $mcast = true;
  779. This will ignore the value of $rigs and overwrite it with the list of zero or
  780. more rigs found on the network in the timeout specified
  781. A rig will not reply if the API settings would mean it would also ignore an
  782. API request from the web server running miner.php
  783. ---------
  784. Once you have a web server with PHP running
  785. copy your miner.php to the main web folder
  786. On Xubuntu 11.04
  787. /var/www/
  788. On Fedora 17
  789. /var/www/html/
  790. On Windows
  791. see your windows Web/PHP documentation
  792. Assuming the IP address of the web server is a.b.c.d
  793. Then in your web browser go to:
  794. http://a.b.c.d/miner.php
  795. Done :)
  796. ---------
  797. The rest of this documentation deals with the more complex
  798. functions of miner.php, using myminer.php, creaing custom
  799. summaries and displaying multiple cgminer rigs
  800. ---------
  801. If you create a file called myminer.php in the same web folder
  802. where you put miner.php, miner.php will load it when it runs
  803. This is useful, to put any changes you need to make to miner.php
  804. instead of changing miner.php
  805. Thus if you update/get a new miner.php, you won't lose the changes
  806. you have made if you put all your changes in myminer.php
  807. (and don't change miner.php at all)
  808. A simple example myminer.php that defines 2 rigs
  809. (that I will keep referring to further below) is:
  810. <?php
  811. #
  812. $rigs = array('', '');
  813. #
  814. ?>
  815. Changes in myminer.php superscede what is in miner.php
  816. However, this is only valid for variables in miner.php before the
  817. 2 lines where myminer.php is included by miner.php:
  818. if (file_exists('myminer.php'))
  819. include_once('myminer.php');
  820. Every variable in miner.php above those 2 lines, can be changed by
  821. simply defining them in your myminer.php
  822. So although miner.php originally contains the line
  823. $rigs = array('');
  824. if you created the example myminer.php given above, it would actually
  825. change the value of $rigs that is used when miner.php is running
  826. i.e. you don't have to remove or comment out the $rigs line in miner.php
  827. It will be superceded by myminer.php
  828. ---------
  829. The example myminer.php above also shows how to define more that one rig
  830. to be shown my miner.php
  831. Each rig string is 2 or 3 values seperated by colons ':'
  832. They are simply an IP address or host name, followed by the
  833. port number (usually 4028) and an optional Name string
  834. miner.php displays rig buttons that will show the defails of a single
  835. rig when you click on it - the button shows either the rig number,
  836. or the 'Name' string if you provide it
  837. PHP arrays contain each string seperated by a comma, but no comma after
  838. the last one
  839. So an example for 3 rigs would be:
  840. $rigs = array('', '',
  841. '');
  842. Of course each of the rigs listed would also have to have the API
  843. running and be set to allow the web server to access the API - as
  844. explained before
  845. ---------
  846. So basically, any variable explained below can be put in myminer.php
  847. if you wanted to set it to something different to it's default value
  848. and did not want to change miner.php itself every time you updated it
  849. Below is each variable that can be changed and an explanation of each
  850. ---------
  851. Default:
  852. $dfmt = 'H:i:s j-M-Y \U\T\CP';
  853. Define the date format used to print full length dates
  854. If you get the string 'UTCP' on the end of your dates shown, that
  855. means you are using an older version of PHP and you can instead use:
  856. $dfmt = 'H:i:s j-M-Y \U\T\CO';
  857. The PHP documentation on the date format is here:
  858. http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
  859. ---------
  860. Default:
  861. $title = 'Mine';
  862. Web page title
  863. If you know PHP you can of course use code to define it e.g.
  864. $title = 'My Rig at: '.date($dfmt);
  865. Which would set the web page title to something like:
  866. My Rig at: 10:34:00 22-Aug-2012 UTC+10:00
  867. ---------
  868. Default:
  869. $readonly = false;
  870. Set $readonly to true to force miner.php to be readonly
  871. This means it won't allow you to change cgminer even if the cgminer API
  872. options allow it to
  873. If you set $readonly to false then it will check cgminer 'privileged'
  874. and will show input fields and buttons on the single rig page
  875. allowing you to change devices, pools and even quit or restart
  876. cgminer
  877. However, if the 'privileged' test fails, the code will set $readonly to
  878. true
  879. ---------
  880. Default:
  881. $userlist = null;
  882. Define password checking and default access
  883. null means there is no password checking
  884. $userlist is an array of 3 arrays e.g.
  885. $userlist = array('sys' => array('boss' => 'bpass'),
  886. 'usr' => array('user' => 'upass', 'pleb' => 'ppass'),
  887. 'def' => array('Pools'));
  888. 'sys' is an array of system users and passwords (full access)
  889. 'usr' is an array of user level users and passwords (readonly access)
  890. 'def' is an array of custompages that anyone not logged in can view
  891. Any of the 3 can be null, meaning there are none of that item
  892. All validated 'usr' users are given $readonly = true; access
  893. All validated 'sys' users are given the $readonly access you defined
  894. If 'def' has one or more values, and allowcustompages is true, then
  895. anyone without a password can see the list of custompage buttons given
  896. in 'def' and will see the first one when they go to the web page, with
  897. a login button at the top right
  898. From the login page, if you login with no username or password, it will
  899. show the first 'def' custompage (if there are any)
  900. If you are logged in, it will show a logout button at the top right
  901. ---------
  902. Default:
  903. $notify = true;
  904. Set $notify to false to NOT attempt to display the notify command
  905. table of data
  906. Set $notify to true to attempt to display the notify command on
  907. the single rig page
  908. If your older version of cgminer returns an 'Invalid command'
  909. coz it doesn't have notify - it just shows the error status table
  910. ---------
  911. Default:
  912. $checklastshare = true;
  913. Set $checklastshare to true to do the following checks:
  914. If a device's last share is 12x expected ago then display as an error
  915. If a device's last share is 8x expected ago then display as a warning
  916. If either of the above is true, also display the whole line highlighted
  917. This assumes shares are 1 difficulty shares
  918. Set $checklastshare to false to not do the above checks
  919. 'expected' is calculated from the device MH/s value
  920. So for example, a device that hashes at 380MH/s should (on average)
  921. find a share every 11.3s
  922. If the last share was found more than 11.3 x 12 seconds (135.6s) ago,
  923. it is considered an error and highlighted
  924. If the last share was found more than 11.3 x 8 seconds (90.4s) ago,
  925. it is considered a warning and highlighted
  926. The default highlighting is very subtle
  927. ---------
  928. Default:
  929. $poolinputs = false;
  930. Set $poolinputs to true to show the input fields for adding a pool
  931. and changing the pool priorities on a single rig page
  932. However, if $readonly is true, it will not display them
  933. ---------
  934. Default:
  935. $rigport = 4028;
  936. Default port to use if any $rigs entries don't specify the port number
  937. ---------
  938. Default:
  939. $rigs = array('');
  940. Set $rigs to an array of your cgminer rigs that are running
  941. format: 'IP' or 'Host' or 'IP:Port' or 'Host:Port' or 'Host:Port:Name'
  942. If you only have one rig, it will just show the detail of that rig
  943. If you have more than one rig it will show a summary of all the rigs
  944. with buttons to show the details of each rig -
  945. the button contents will be 'Name' rather than rig number, if you
  946. specify 'Name'
  947. If Port is missing or blank, it will try $rigport
  948. e.g. $rigs = array('','myrig.com:4028:Sugoi');
  949. ---------
  950. Default:
  951. $rignames = false;
  952. Set $rignames to false to not affect the display.
  953. Set $rignames to one of 'ip' or 'ipx' to alter the name displayed
  954. if the rig doesn't have a 'name' in $rigs
  955. Currently:
  956. 'ip' means use the 4th byte of the rig IP address as an integer
  957. 'ipx' means use the 4th byte of the rig IP address as 2 hex bytes
  958. ---------
  959. Default:
  960. $rigbuttons = true;
  961. Set $rigbuttons to false to display a link rather than a button on
  962. the left of any summary table with rig buttons, in order to reduce
  963. the height of the table cells
  964. ---------
  965. Default:
  966. $mcast = false;
  967. Set $mcast to true to look for your rigs and ignore $rigs
  968. ---------
  969. Default:
  970. $mcastexpect = 0;
  971. The minimum number of rigs expected to be found when $mcast is true
  972. If fewer are found, an error will be included at the top of the page
  973. ---------
  974. Default:
  975. $mcastaddr = '';
  976. API Multicast address all cgminers are listening on
  977. ---------
  978. Default:
  979. $mcastport = 4028;
  980. API Multicast UDP port all cgminers are listening on
  981. ---------
  982. Default:
  983. $mcastcode = 'FTW';
  984. The code all cgminers expect in the Multicast message sent
  985. The message sent is "cgm-code-listport"
  986. Don't use the '-' character if you change it
  987. ---------
  988. Default:
  989. $mcastlistport = 4027;
  990. UDP port number that is added to the broadcast message sent
  991. that specifies to the cgminers the port to reply on
  992. ---------
  993. Default:
  994. $mcasttimeout = 1.5;
  995. Set $mcasttimeout to the number of seconds (floating point)
  996. to wait for replies to the Multicast message
  997. N.B. the accuracy of the timing used to wait for the replies is
  998. ~0.1s so there's no point making it more than one decimal place
  999. ---------
  1000. Default:
  1001. $mcastretries = 0;
  1002. Set $mcastretries to the number of times to retry the multicast
  1003. If $mcastexpect is 0, this is simply the number of extra times
  1004. that it will send the multicast request
  1005. N.B. cgminer doesn't listen for multicast requests for 1000ms after
  1006. each one it hears
  1007. If $mcastexpect is > 0, it will stop looking for replies once it
  1008. has found at least $mcastexpect rigs, but it only checks this rig
  1009. limit each time it reaches the $mcasttimeout limit, thus it can find
  1010. more than $mcastexpect rigs if more exist
  1011. It will send the multicast message up to $mcastretries extra times or
  1012. until it has found at least $mcastexpect rigs
  1013. However, when using $mcastretries, it is possible for it to sometimes
  1014. ignore some rigs on the network if $mcastexpect is less than the
  1015. number of rigs on the network and some rigs are too slow to reply
  1016. ---------
  1017. Default:
  1018. $allowgen = false;
  1019. Set $allowgen to true to allow customsummarypages to use 'gen' and 'bgen'
  1020. false means ignore any 'gen' or 'bgen' options
  1021. This is disabled by default due to the possible security risk of using it
  1022. See the end of this document for an explanation
  1023. ---------
  1024. Default:
  1025. $rigipsecurity = true;
  1026. Set $rigipsecurity to false to show the IP/Port of the rig
  1027. in the socket error messages and also show the full socket message
  1028. ---------
  1029. Default:
  1030. $rigtotals = true;
  1031. $forcerigtotals = false;
  1032. Set $rigtotals to true to display totals on the single rig page
  1033. 'false' means no totals (and ignores $forcerigtotals)
  1034. If $rigtotals is true, all data is also right aligned
  1035. With false, it's as before, left aligned
  1036. This option is just here to allow people to set it to false
  1037. if they prefer the old non-total display when viewing a single rig
  1038. Also, if there is only one line shown in any section, then no
  1039. total will be shown (to save screen space)
  1040. You can force it to always show rig totals on the single rig page,
  1041. even if there is only one line, by setting $forcerigtotals = true;
  1042. ---------
  1043. Default:
  1044. $socksndtimeoutsec = 10;
  1045. $sockrcvtimeoutsec = 40;
  1046. The numbers are integer seconds
  1047. The defaults should be OK for most cases
  1048. However, the longer SND is, the longer you have to wait while
  1049. php hangs if the target cgminer isn't runnning or listening
  1050. RCV should only ever be relevant if cgminer has hung but the
  1051. API thread is still running, RCV would normally be >= SND
  1052. Feel free to increase SND if your network is very slow
  1053. or decrease RCV if that happens often to you
  1054. Also, on some windows PHP, apparently the $usec is ignored
  1055. (so usec can't be specified)
  1056. ---------
  1057. Default:
  1058. $hidefields = array();
  1059. List of fields NOT to be displayed
  1060. You can use this to hide data you don't want to see or don't want
  1061. shown on a public web page
  1062. The list of sections are:
  1064. See the web page for the list of field names (the table headers)
  1065. It is an array of 'SECTION.Field Name' => 1
  1066. This example would hide the slightly more sensitive pool information:
  1067. Pool URL and pool username:
  1068. $hidefields = array('POOL.URL' => 1, 'POOL.User' => 1);
  1069. If you just want to hide the pool username:
  1070. $hidefields = array('POOL.User' => 1);
  1071. ---------
  1072. Default:
  1073. $ignorerefresh = false;
  1074. $changerefresh = true;
  1075. $autorefresh = 0;
  1076. Auto-refresh of the page (in seconds) - integers only
  1077. $ignorerefresh = true/false always ignore refresh parameters
  1078. $changerefresh = true/false show buttons to change the value
  1079. $autorefresh = default value, 0 means dont auto-refresh
  1080. ---------
  1081. Default:
  1082. $miner_font_family = 'verdana,arial,sans';
  1083. $miner_font_size = '13pt';
  1084. Change these to set the font and font size used on the web page
  1085. ---------
  1086. Default:
  1087. $add_css_names = array();
  1088. List of CSS names to add to the CSS style object
  1089. e.g. array('td.cool' => false);
  1090. true/false to not include the default $miner_font
  1091. The CSS name/value pairs must be defined in $colouroverride below
  1092. This allows you to create multiple complete CSS styles, optionally
  1093. using a different font to the default used/specified for all other
  1094. styles, and then when using the class name in a custom formatting
  1095. function (fmt) in a customsummarypage, it can use this style
  1096. ---------
  1097. Default:
  1098. $colouroverride = array();
  1099. Use this to change the web page colour scheme
  1100. See $colourtable in miner.php for the list of possible names to change
  1101. Simply put in $colouroverride, just the colours you wish to change
  1102. e.g. to change the colour of the header font and background
  1103. you could do the following:
  1104. $colouroverride = array(
  1105. 'td.h color' => 'green',
  1106. 'td.h background' => 'blue'
  1107. );
  1108. You can also add your own CSS styles to be used by a customsummarypage
  1109. custom format function, if you specify the class name in $add_css_names
  1110. and put the class styles in $colouroverride
  1111. ---------
  1112. Default:
  1113. $placebuttons = 'top';
  1114. Where to place the Refresh, Summary, Custom Pages, Quit, etc. buttons
  1115. Valid values are: 'top' 'bot' 'both'
  1116. anything else means don't show them - case sensitive
  1117. ---------
  1118. Default:
  1119. $allowcustompages = true;
  1120. Should we allow custom pages?
  1121. (or just completely ignore them and don't display the buttons)
  1122. ---------
  1123. OK this part is more complex: Custom Summary Pages
  1124. A custom summary page in an array of 'section' => array('FieldA','FieldB'...)
  1125. The section defines what data you want in the summary table and the Fields
  1126. define what data you want shown from that section
  1127. Standard sections are:
  1129. ESTATS, COIN
  1130. Fields are the names as shown on the headers on the normal pages
  1131. There is a special field name '#' that will total to the number of rows
  1132. displayed in the custom summary page
  1133. In the actual row output it is a row counter per rig
  1134. Fields can be 'name=new name' to display 'name' with a different heading
  1135. 'new name'
  1136. There are also now joined sections:
  1138. POOL+STATS plus many more
  1139. See the miner.php function joinsections() for the full list
  1140. These sections are an SQL join of the two sections and the fields in them
  1141. are named section.field where section. is the section the field comes from
  1142. See the example further down
  1143. Also note:
  1144. - empty tables are not shown
  1145. - empty columns (e.g. an unknown field) are not shown
  1146. - missing field data shows as blank
  1147. - the field name '*' matches all fields except in joined sections
  1148. (useful for STATS and COIN)
  1149. There are 2 hard coded sections:
  1150. DATE - displays a date table like at the start of 'Summary'
  1151. RIGS - displays a rig table like at the start of 'Summary'
  1152. Each custom summary requires a second array, that can be empty, listing fields
  1153. to be totaled for each section
  1154. If there is no matching total data, no total will show
  1155. ---------
  1156. Looking at the Mobile example:
  1157. $mobilepage = array(
  1158. 'DATE' => null,
  1159. 'RIGS' => null,
  1160. 'SUMMARY' => array('Elapsed', 'MHS av', 'Found Blocks=Blks',
  1161. Accepted', 'Rejected=Rej', 'Utility'),
  1162. 'DEVS+NOTIFY' => array('DEVS.Name=Name', 'DEVS.ID=ID', 'DEVS.Status=Status',
  1163. 'DEVS.Temperature=Temp', 'DEVS.MHS av=MHS av',
  1164. 'DEVS.Accepted=Accept', 'DEVS.Rejected=Rej',
  1165. 'DEVS.Utility=Utility', 'NOTIFY.Last Not Well=Not Well'),
  1166. 'POOL' => array('POOL', 'Status', 'Accepted', 'Rejected=Rej',
  1167. 'Last Share Time'));
  1168. $mobilesum = array(
  1169. 'SUMMARY' => array('MHS av', 'Found Blocks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected',
  1170. 'Utility'),
  1171. 'DEVS+NOTIFY' => array('DEVS.MHS av', 'DEVS.Accepted', 'DEVS.Rejected',
  1172. 'DEVS.Utility'),
  1173. 'POOL' => array('Accepted', 'Rejected'));
  1174. $customsummarypages = array('Mobile' => array($mobilepage, $mobilesum));
  1175. This will show 5 tables (according to $mobilepage)
  1176. Each table will have the chosen details for all the rigs specified in $rigs
  1177. DATE
  1178. A single box with the web server's current date and time
  1179. RIGS
  1180. A table of the rigs: description, time, versions etc
  1181. SUMMARY
  1182. This will use the API 'summary' command and show the selected fields:
  1183. Elapsed, MHS av, Found Blocks, Accepted, Rejected and Utility
  1184. However, 'Rejected=Rej' means that the header displayed for the 'Rejected'
  1185. field will be 'Rej', instead of 'Rejected' (to save space)
  1186. Same for 'Found Blocks=Blks' - to save space
  1188. This will list each of the devices on each rig and display the list of
  1189. fields as shown
  1190. It will also include the 'Last Not Well' field from the 'notify' command
  1191. so you know when the device was last not well
  1192. You will notice that you need to rename each field e.g. 'DEVS.Name=Name'
  1193. since each field name in the join between DEVS and NOTIFY is actually
  1194. section.fieldname, not just fieldname
  1195. The join code automatically adds 2 fields to each GPU device: 'Name' and 'ID'
  1196. They don't exist in the API 'devs' output but I can correctly calculate
  1197. them from the GPU device data
  1198. These two fields are used to join DEVS to NOTIFY i.e. find the NOTIFY
  1199. record that has the same Name and ID as the DEVS record and join them
  1200. POOL
  1201. This will use the API 'pools' command and show the selected fields:
  1202. POOL, Status, Accepted, Rejected, Last Share Time
  1203. Again, I renamed the 'Rejected' field using 'Rejected=Rej', to save space
  1204. $mobilesum lists the sections and fields that should have a total
  1205. You can't define them for 'DATE' or 'RIGS' since they are hard coded tables
  1206. The example given:
  1207. SUMMARY
  1208. Show a total at the bottom of the columns for:
  1209. MHS av, Found Blocks, Accepted, Rejected, Utility
  1210. Firstly note that you use the original name i.e. for 'Rejected=Rej'
  1211. you use 'Rejected', not 'Rej' and not 'Rejected=Rej'
  1212. Secondly note that it simply adds up the fields
  1213. If you ask for a total of a string field you will get the numerical
  1214. sum of the string data
  1216. Simply note in this join example that you must use the original field
  1217. names which are section.fieldname, not just fieldname
  1218. POOL
  1219. Show a total at the bottom of the columns for:
  1220. Accepted and Rejected
  1221. Again remember to use the original field name 'Rejected'
  1222. ---------
  1223. With cgminer 2.10.2 and later, miner.php includes an extension to
  1224. the custom pages that allows you to apply SQL style commands to
  1225. the data: where, group, and having
  1226. cgminer 3.4.2 and later also includes another option 'gen'
  1227. cgminer 4.2.0 and later also includes another option 'fmt'
  1228. cgminer 4.2.1 and later also includes another option 'bgen'
  1229. An example of an 'ext' section in a more complex custom summary page:
  1230. $poolsext = array(
  1231. 'POOL+STATS' => array(
  1232. 'where' => null,
  1233. 'group' => array('POOL.URL', 'POOL.Has Stratum',
  1234. 'POOL.Stratum Active', 'POOL.Has GBT'),
  1235. 'calc' => array('POOL.Difficulty Accepted' => 'sum',
  1236. 'POOL.Difficulty Rejected' => 'sum',
  1237. 'STATS.Times Sent' => 'sum',
  1238. 'STATS.Bytes Sent' => 'sum',
  1239. 'STATS.Times Recv' => 'sum',
  1240. 'STATS.Bytes Recv' => 'sum'),
  1241. 'gen' => array('AvShr', 'POOL.Difficulty Accepted/max(POOL.Accepted,1)),
  1242. 'having' => array(array('STATS.Bytes Recv', '>', 0)),
  1243. 'fmt' => 'myfmtfunc'));
  1244. function myfmtfunc($section, $name, $value, $when, $alldata,
  1245. $warnclass, $errorclass, $hiclass, $loclass, $totclass);
  1246. {
  1247. $ret = '';
  1248. $class = '';
  1249. switch ($section.'.'.$name)
  1250. {
  1251. case 'GEN.AvShr':
  1252. $ret = number_format((float)$value, 2);
  1253. if ($value == 0)
  1254. $class = $errorclass;
  1255. break;
  1256. // Nonsence example :) since total would show the sum of the averages
  1257. case 'total.AvShr':
  1258. $ret = $value;
  1259. if ($value == 0)
  1260. $class = $warnclass;
  1261. break;
  1262. }
  1263. return array($ret, $class);
  1264. }
  1265. This allows you to group records together from one or more rigs
  1266. In the example, you'll get each Pool (with the same URL+Stratum+GBT settings)
  1267. listed once for all rigs and a sum of each of the fields listed in 'calc'
  1268. 'where' and 'having' are an array of fields and restrictions to apply
  1269. In the above example, it will only display the rows where it contains the
  1270. 'STATS.Bytes Recv' field with a value greater than zero
  1271. If the row doesn't have the field, it will always be included
  1272. All restrictions must be true in order for the row to be included
  1273. Any restiction that is invalid or unknown is true
  1274. An empty array, or null, means there are no restrictions
  1275. A restriction is formatted as: array('Field', 'restriction', 'value')
  1276. Field is the simple field name as normally displayed, or SECTION.Field
  1277. if it is a joined section (as in this case 'POOL+STATS')
  1278. The list of restrictions are:
  1279. 'set' - true if the row contains the 'Field' ('value' is not required or used)
  1280. '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>' - a numerical comparison
  1281. 'eq', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge' - a case insensitive string comparison
  1282. You can have multiple restrictions on a 'Field' - but all must be true to
  1283. include the row containing the 'Field'
  1284. e.g. a number range between 0 and 10 would be:
  1285. array('STATS.Bytes Recv', '>', 0), array('STATS.Bytes Recv', '<', 10)
  1286. The difference between 'where' and 'having' is that 'where' is applied to the
  1287. data before grouping it and 'having' is applied to the data after grouping it
  1288. - otherwise they work the same
  1289. 'group' lists the fields to group over and 'calc' lists the function to apply
  1290. to other fields that are not part of 'group'
  1291. You can only see fields listed in 'group' and 'calc'
  1292. A 'calc' is formatted as: 'Field' => 'function'
  1293. The current list of operations available for 'calc' are:
  1294. 'sum', 'avg', 'min', 'max', 'lo', 'hi', 'count', 'any'
  1295. The first 4 are as expected - the numerical sum, average, minimum or maximum
  1296. 'lo' is the first string of the list, sorted ignoring case
  1297. 'hi' is the last string of the list, sorted ignoring case
  1298. 'count' is the number of rows in the section specified in the calc e.g.
  1299. ('DEVS.Name' => 'count') would be the number of DEVS selected in the 'where'
  1300. of course any valid 'DEVS.Xyz' would give the same 'count' value
  1301. 'any' is effectively random: the field value in the 1st row of the grouped data
  1302. An unrecognised 'function' uses 'any'
  1303. A 'fmt' allows you to specify a function to be called by miner.php to format
  1304. data to be displayed in the output html
  1305. If the function doesn't exist in miner.php or myminer.php, then it will be
  1306. ignored
  1307. If the function returns a $ret value (see the example 'myfmtfunc' above) then
  1308. that will be displayed, however if $ret is empty, then the normal formatting
  1309. code will process the data to be displayed
  1310. Thus, if there is no formatting code in miner.php for the field value, then it
  1311. will be displayed as it was received from the API
  1312. i.e. this allows you to either supply some php code to format field values
  1313. that are not formatted by miner.php, or you can also override the formatting
  1314. done by miner.php itself for your chosen list of field data
  1315. You can return an '&nbsp;' if you wish to force it to display as blank
  1316. Use the example 'myfmtfunc' above as a template to write your own
  1317. Note that your provided function will be called for all data being displayed,
  1318. so you should use the 'case' layout as in the example to select the data fields
  1319. you wish to format, but return '' for fields you don't wish to change the way
  1320. they are formatted
  1321. The 2nd return field is the name of a CSS class in $colourtable or created in
  1322. your own $add_css_names and $colouroverride
  1323. The value you return can stay in effect even if you return an empty $ret, if
  1324. the default formatting function for the field doesn't set the $class variable
  1325. The fields passed to your function by miner.php:
  1326. $warnclass, $errorclass, $hiclass, $loclass, $totclass
  1327. contain the default class names used for formatting
  1328. A 'gen' or 'bgen' allows you to generate new fields from any php valid function
  1329. of any of the other fields
  1330. e.g. 'gen' => array('AvShr', 'POOL.Difficulty Accepted/max(POOL.Accepted,1)),
  1331. will generate a new field called GEN.AvShr that is the function shown, which
  1332. in this case is the average difficulty of each share submitted
  1333. The difference between 'bgen' and 'gen' is that 'bgen' is done before doing
  1334. the 'group' and 'calc', however 'gen' is done after doing 'group' and 'calc'
  1335. This means that 'group' and 'calc' can also use 'bgen' fields
  1336. As before, 'gen' fields act on the results of the 'group' and 'calc'
  1337. If there is no 'group' or 'calc' then they both will produce the same results
  1338. Note that 'gen' fields are called 'GEN.field' and 'bgen' fields, 'BGEN.field'
  1340. It simply replaces all the variables with their values and then requests PHP
  1341. to execute the formula - thus if a field value returned from a cgminer API
  1342. request contained PHP code, it could be executed by your web server
  1343. Of course cgminer doesn't do this, but if you do not control the cgminer that
  1344. returns the data in the API calls, someone could modify cgminer to return a
  1345. PHP string in a field you use in 'gen' or 'bgen'
  1346. Thus use 'gen' and 'bgen' at your own risk
  1347. If someone feels the urge to write a mathematical interpreter in PHP to get
  1348. around this risk, feel free to write one and submit it to the API author for
  1349. consideration