12 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. set -e
  3. Version=5.0.0
  4. Gui=No #can be Yes No or Only
  5. MadMax=Yes
  6. GigaHorse=Yes
  7. BladeBit=Yes
  8. ChiaPos=No
  9. ChiaService=Yes
  10. Miner=Yes
  11. ChiaProxy=Yes
  12. function print_centered {
  13. [[ $# == 0 ]] && return 1
  14. declare -i TERM_COLS="$(tput cols)"
  15. declare -i str_len="${#1}"
  16. [[ $str_len -ge $TERM_COLS ]] && {
  17. echo "$1";
  18. return 0;
  19. }
  20. declare -i filler_len="$(( (TERM_COLS - str_len) / 2 ))"
  21. [[ $# -ge 2 ]] && ch="${2:0:1}" || ch=" "
  22. filler=""
  23. for (( i = 0; i < filler_len; i++ )); do
  24. filler="${filler}${ch}"
  25. done
  26. printf "%s%s%s" "$filler" "$1" "$filler"
  27. [[ $(( (TERM_COLS - str_len) % 2 )) -ne 0 ]] && printf "%s" "${ch}"
  28. printf "\n"
  29. return 0
  30. }
  31. function jumpto
  32. {
  33. label=$1
  34. cmd=$(sed -n "/$label:/{:a;n;p;ba};" $0 | grep -v ':$')
  35. eval "$cmd"
  36. exit
  37. }
  38. function simplify_config {
  39. error_flag=0
  40. Gui=${Gui^^}
  41. ChiaService=${ChiaService^^}
  42. MadMax=${MadMax^^}
  43. GigaHorse=${GigaHorse^^}
  44. BladeBit=${BladeBit^^}
  45. ChiaPos=${ChiaPos^^}
  46. Miner=${Miner^^}
  47. ChiaProxy=${ChiaProxy^^}
  48. if [ $Gui = "YES" ] || [ $Gui = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  49. if [ $MadMax = "YES" ] || [ $MadMax = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  50. if [ $GigaHorse = "YES" ] || [ $GigaHorse = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  51. if [ $BladeBit = "YES" ] || [ $BladeBit = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  52. if [ $ChiaPos = "YES" ] || [ $ChiaPos = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  53. if [ $ChiaService = "YES" ] || [ $ChiaService = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  54. if [ $Miner = "YES" ] || [ $Miner = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  55. if [ $ChiaProxy = "YES" ] || [ $ChiaProxy = "NO" ];then error_flag=0;else error_flag=1;fi
  56. }
  57. function intro_ {
  58. print_centered "$(tput setaf 10)"
  59. print_centered " ______ __ __ "
  60. print_centered "| | |--.|__|.---.-."
  61. print_centered "| ---| || || _ |"
  62. print_centered "|______|__|__||__||___._|"
  63. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  64. print_centered "Toolkit for Chia v$Version"
  65. echo ""
  66. if [ $error_flag = 1 ]
  67. then
  68. echo -n "$(tput setaf 1 ;tput blink;tput bold)"
  69. print_centered "Config Error !!!"
  70. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  71. exit 0
  72. fi
  73. case $Gui in
  74. YES)
  75. echo -n "$(tput setaf 41)"
  76. print_centered "Blockchain wallet + Gui"
  77. echo -n "$(tput setaf 42)"
  78. print_centered "Chia Plotting Tools"
  79. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  80. ;;
  81. NO)
  82. echo -n "$(tput setaf 11)"
  83. print_centered "Chia Plotting Tools"
  84. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  85. ;;
  86. ONLY)
  87. echo -n "$(tput setaf 41)"
  88. print_centered "Blockchain wallet Only"
  89. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  90. ;;
  91. *)
  92. echo -n "$(tput setaf 1 ;tput blink;tput bold)"
  93. print_centered "Config Error !!!"
  94. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  95. exit 0
  96. ;;
  97. esac
  98. if [ $Gui = "NO" ] || [ $Gui = "YES" ]
  99. then
  100. case $ChiaService in
  101. YES)
  102. echo -n "$(tput setaf 43)"
  103. print_centered "Mining service Enabled"
  104. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  105. ;;
  106. esac
  107. case $ChiaProxy in
  108. YES)
  109. echo -n "$(tput setaf 44)"
  110. print_centered "Hpool x-Proxy Enabled"
  111. echo -n "$(tput sgr0)"
  112. ;;
  113. esac
  114. fi
  115. sleep 2
  116. if ! [ -d /home/wareck/chia ];then mkdir /home/wareck/chia;fi
  117. }
  118. function update_ {
  119. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nUpdate and install packages:$(tput sgr0)"
  120. extend="libgomp1 ocl-icd-opencl-dev libgmp-dev libnuma-dev"
  121. sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-distutils python3-dev libsodium-dev $extend -y
  122. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  123. }
  124. function chia_plotter {
  125. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nBuild Chia-Plotter (MadMax4ever) :$(tput sgr0)"
  126. sleep 1
  127. cd /home/wareck/chia/
  128. if [ ! -d chia-plotter ]
  129. then
  130. git clone
  131. else
  132. cd /home/wareck/chia/chia-plotter
  133. git pull
  134. fi
  135. cd /home/wareck/chia/chia-plotter
  136. git submodule init
  137. git submodule update
  138. ./
  139. cd build
  140. cat <<'EOF'>>
  141. #!/bin/bash
  142. POOL=a99e72c49c5ed39bf793caab9e074a80dd61011a859e975842874aab47b783f9ce84282febe2ca275c0930149b67990a
  143. FARM=8ba5acd276b45fd0f749ce195dcddcf0e63c3bf2e751e9e273faa0125075c36a11f2ee231e7cf74abed2920be97fc373
  144. OUT=/media/Partage/Plots/
  145. ./chia_plot -p $POOL -f $FARM -n 1 -r 6 -u 128 -t /nvme0/plotting/ -2 /nvme0/plotting/ -d $OUT
  146. EOF
  147. chmod +x
  148. cat <<'EOF'>>
  149. #!/bin/bash
  150. POOL=a99e72c49c5ed39bf793caab9e074a80dd61011a859e975842874aab47b783f9ce84282febe2ca275c0930149b67990a
  151. FARM=8ba5acd276b45fd0f749ce195dcddcf0e63c3bf2e751e9e273faa0125075c36a11f2ee231e7cf74abed2920be97fc373
  152. OUT=/media/Partage/Plots-nft/
  153. ./chia_plot -p $POOL -f $FARM -n 1 -r 4 -u 128 -t /nvme0/plotting/ -2 /nvme1/plotting/ -d $OUT
  154. EOF
  155. chmod +x
  156. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  157. }
  158. function bladebit {
  159. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nBuild Bladebit v2 :$(tput sgr0)"
  160. sleep 1
  161. cd /home/wareck/chia
  162. if [ ! -d bladebit ]
  163. then
  164. git clone
  165. fi
  166. cd /home/wareck/chia/bladebit/
  167. if [ ! -d build ];then mkdir build;fi
  168. cd build
  169. sed -i "s/FatalIf( cfg.compressionLevel >/\/\/FatalIf( cfg.compressionLevel/g" /home/wareck/chia/bladebit/src/main.cpp
  170. cmake ..
  171. make -j6
  172. cat <<'EOF'>>
  173. #!/bin/bash
  174. ./bladebit_cuda \
  175. -c xch10yjksfwm8s66z32qy35x950608hk8l67vmsur4rwpaanpkd6ks3qhfw5nk \
  176. -f 8ba5acd276b45fd0f749ce195dcddcf0e63c3bf2e751e9e273faa0125075c36a11f2ee231e7cf74abed2920be97fc373 \
  177. diskplot -t1 /nvme0/plotting/ -t2 /nvme1/plotting/ /farm/farm0/Plots/
  178. EOF
  179. cat <<'EOF'>>
  180. #!/bin/bash
  181. CRT=xch10yjksfwm8s66z32qy35x950608hk8l67vmsur4rwpaanpkd6ks3qhfw5nk
  182. FRM=8ba5acd276b45fd0f749ce195dcddcf0e63c3bf2e751e9e273faa0125075c36a11f2ee231e7cf74abed2920be97fc373
  183. OUT=/media/Partage/Plots-nft/
  184. ./bladebit -f $FRM -c $CRT diskplot --cache 100G -t1 /nvme1/plotting/ -t2 /nvme1/plotting/ $OUT
  185. EOF
  186. cat <<'EOF'>>
  187. #!/bin/bash
  188. POOL=a99e72c49c5ed39bf793caab9e074a80dd61011a859e975842874aab47b783f9ce84282febe2ca275c0930149b67990a
  189. FARM=8ba5acd276b45fd0f749ce195dcddcf0e63c3bf2e751e9e273faa0125075c36a11f2ee231e7cf74abed2920be97fc373
  190. OUT=/farm/farm4/Plots
  191. ./bladebit_cuda -p $POOL -f $FARM -z 7 cudaplot -d 0 --disk-16 -t1 /nvme0/plotting $OUT
  192. EOF
  193. chmod +x
  194. chmod +x
  195. chmod +x
  196. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  197. }
  198. function gigahorse {
  199. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nMadMax4ever GigaHorse:$(tput sgr0)"
  200. sleep 1
  201. if [ -d /home/wareck/chia/chia-gigahorse ]
  202. then
  203. cd /home/wareck/chia/chia-gigahorse
  204. git pull
  205. else
  206. cd /home/wareck/chia/
  207. git clone
  208. fi
  209. echo "generate bash files..."
  210. sudo cp ~/chia/chia-gigahorse/plot-sink/linux/x86_64/* /usr/local/bin/
  211. sudo cp ~/chia/chia-gigahorse/cpu-plotter/linux/x86_64/* /usr/local/bin/
  212. cd ~
  213. if [ -f ];then sudo rm;fi
  214. if [ -f /usr/local/bin/ ];then sudo rm /usr/local/bin/;fi
  215. cat <<'EOF'>>
  216. #!/bin/bash
  217. echo "IP : $(hostname -I)"
  218. chia_plot_sink -p 1447 /farm/farm0/Plots-nft/ /farm/farm1/Plots-nft/ /farm/farm2/Plots-nft/ /farm/farm3/Plots-nft/ /farm/farm4/Plots-nft/ /Partage/Plots-nft/
  219. EOF
  220. chmod +x
  221. sudo mv /usr/local/bin/
  222. cat <<'EOF'>> ~/
  223. #!/bin/bash
  224. CRT=xch10yjksfwm8s66z32qy35x950608hk8l67vmsur4rwpaanpkd6ks3qhfw5nk
  225. FRM=8ba5acd276b45fd0f749ce195dcddcf0e63c3bf2e751e9e273faa0125075c36a11f2ee231e7cf74abed2920be97fc373
  226. OUT=@
  227. ./chia_plot -c $CRT -f $FRM -G -r 6 -z 1447 -C 8 -n -1 -t /nvme0/plotting/ -2 /nvme1/plotting/ -d $OUT
  228. EOF
  229. chmod +x ~/
  230. cp ~/ ~/chia/chia-gigahorse/cpu-plotter/linux/x86_64/
  231. rm ~/
  232. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  233. }
  234. function chiapos {
  235. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nBuild Chia-Pos:$(tput sgr0)"
  236. sleep 1
  237. cd /home/wareck/chia
  238. if [ ! -d /home/wareck/chia/chia-pos ]
  239. then
  240. git clone chia-pos
  241. cd /home/wareck/chia/chia-pos
  242. else
  243. cd /home/wareck/chia/chia-pos
  244. git pull
  245. fi
  246. if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build;fi
  247. cd build
  248. cmake ..
  249. cmake --build . -- -j 6
  250. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  251. }
  252. function miner_ {
  253. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nChia-Miner (hpool):$(tput sgr0)"
  254. sleep 1
  255. wget -c -q --show-progress -O /home/wareck/Build_Cube/pack/chia-miner.tar.xz
  256. cp /home/wareck/Build_Cube/pack/chia-miner.tar.xz /home/wareck/miners
  257. cd /home/wareck/miners
  258. tar xvfJ chia-miner.tar.xz
  259. rm chia-miner.tar.xz
  260. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  261. }
  262. function chia_blockchain {
  263. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nBuild Chia-blockchain & Gui :$(tput sgr0)"
  264. sleep 1
  265. cd /home/wareck/chia
  266. if [ ! -d /home/wareck/chia/chia-blockchain ]
  267. then
  268. git clone -b latest --recurse-submodules
  269. cd chia-blockchain
  270. else
  271. cd chia-blockchain
  272. git pull
  273. fi
  274. sh
  275. source ./activate
  276. sh
  277. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  278. }
  279. function chia_proxy {
  280. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nChia-X-Proxy (Cuda):$(tput sgr0)"
  281. wget -c -q --show-progress -O /home/wareck/Build_Cube/pack/chia-x-proxy.tar.xz
  282. cp /home/wareck/Build_Cube/pack/chia-x-proxy.tar.xz /home/wareck/
  283. cd /home/wareck/chia/
  284. tar xvfJ /home/wareck/chia-x-proxy.tar.xz
  285. rm /home/wareck/chia-x-proxy.tar.xz
  286. sleep 1
  287. cat <<'EOF'>> x-proxy.service
  288. [Unit]
  289. Description=x-proxy
  291. StartLimitIntervalSec=500
  292. StartLimitBurst=5
  293. [Service]
  294. #Restart=on-failure
  295. #RestartSec=5s
  296. WorkingDirectory=/home/wareck/chia/x-proxy/
  297. User=wareck
  298. Group=adm
  299. ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -DmS x-proxy /home/wareck/chia/x-proxy/x-proxy-v1.9.1 -config /home/wareck/chia/x-proxy/config.yaml
  300. ExecStop=/usr/bin/screen -S x-proxy -X quit
  301. LimitNOFILE=999999
  302. [Install]
  304. EOF
  305. sudo mv x-proxy.service /etc/systemd/system/x-proxy.service
  306. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  307. sudo systemctl start x-proxy.service
  308. sudo systemctl enable x-proxy.service
  309. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  310. }
  311. function service_old {
  312. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nInstall chia-miner service (hpool) :$(tput sgr0)"
  313. sleep 1
  314. echo "Generation du fichier /etc/init.d/chia-miner"
  315. cat <<'EOF'>>
  316. #!/bin/sh
  317. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  318. # Provides: chiaminer
  319. # Required-Start: networking
  320. # Default-Start: 3 4 5
  321. # Default-Stop: 0 6
  322. ### END INIT INFO
  323. case "$1" in
  324. start)
  325. if pgrep -x "hpool-miner-chia" > /dev/null
  326. then
  327. sudo killall -9 hpool-miner-chia | true
  328. fi
  329. su wareck -c "screen -dmS chia-miner /home/wareck/miners/chia-miner/hpool-miner-chia -config /home/wareck/miners/chia-miner/config.yaml"
  330. ;;
  331. stop)
  332. if pgrep -x "hpool-miner-chia" > /dev/null
  333. then
  334. sudo killall -9 hpool-miner-chia | true
  335. fi
  336. ;;
  337. restart)
  338. $0 stop
  339. $0 start
  340. ;;
  341. *)
  342. echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/chia-miner {start|restart|stop}"
  343. exit 1
  344. ;;
  345. esac
  346. exit 0
  347. EOF
  348. chmod +x
  349. sudo cp /etc/init.d/chia-miner
  350. sudo update-rc.d chia-miner defaults
  351. sleep 1
  352. sudo /etc/init.d/chia-miner start
  353. sudo rm
  354. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  355. }
  356. function service_ {
  357. echo -e "$(tput setaf 10)\nInstall chia-miner service (hpool) :$(tput sgr0)"
  358. sleep 1
  359. cat <<'EOF'>> chia-miner.service
  360. [Unit]
  361. Description=HPool miner
  363. StartLimitIntervalSec=500
  364. StartLimitBurst=5
  365. [Service]
  366. #Restart=on-failure
  367. #RestartSec=5s
  368. WorkingDirectory=/home/wareck/miners/chia-miner/
  369. User=wareck
  370. Group=adm
  371. ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -DmS hpool-miner /home/wareck/miners/chia-miner/hpool-miner-chia -config /home/wareck/miners/chia-miner/config.yaml
  372. ExecStop=/usr/bin/screen -S hpool-miner -X quit
  373. LimitNOFILE=999999
  374. [Install]
  376. EOF
  377. sudo mv chia-miner.service /etc/systemd/system/hpool-miner.service
  378. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  379. sudo systemctl start hpool-miner.service
  380. sudo systemctl enable hpool-miner.service
  381. echo -e "\e[97mDone.\e[0m"
  382. }
  383. function cmake_ {
  384. if [ $BladeBit = "YES" ]
  385. then
  386. pids=""
  387. /home/wareck/Build_Cube/options/tools/ & pids="$pids $!"
  388. wait $pids
  389. fi
  390. }
  391. simplify_config
  392. intro_
  393. update_
  394. cmake_
  395. if [ $GigaHorse = "YES" ];then gigahorse;fi
  396. if [ $MadMax = "YES" ];then chia_plotter;fi
  397. if [ $BladeBit = "YES" ];then bladebit;fi
  398. if [ $ChiaPos = "YES" ];then chiapos;fi
  399. if [ $ChiaService = "YES" ];then service_;fi
  400. if [ $Miner = "YES" ];then miner_;fi
  401. if [ $ChiaProxy = "YES" ]; then chia_proxy;fi
  402. case $Gui in
  403. YES|ONLY)
  404. chia_blockchain
  405. ;;
  406. *)
  407. ;;
  408. esac
  409. echo -e "\n\e[97mEnd of process...\e[0m"